Nattokinase” is active in the bloodstream during sleep…The best way to eat “Natto | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nattokinase” is active in the bloodstream during sleep…The best way to eat “Natto

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Natto Habit at Night” is Effective for Rejuvenation

Natto is so nutritious that it has been called Japan’s “superfood,” and it is one of our most familiar healthy foods. There is a “better way” to eat natto that is beneficial to the health of middle-aged people.

Natto is often thought of as a breakfast staple, but in fact, it is better to eat it at night rather than in the morning,” he said.

Erika Shinohara, a registered dietitian, told us about the best time of day to eat natto.

The reason why it is better to eat natto at night than in the morning is because of its preventive effect on arteriosclerosis, which increases after people reach their 40s. Arteriosclerosis is a condition in which blood vessels become stiff and brittle due to aging.

When we are young, blood vessels are elastic and supple, but due to aging and dietary habits, the elasticity of blood vessels is lost without being noticed. As a result, the blood becomes sluggish, and blood clots (blood clots) tend to form in the blood. If a blood clot is trapped in the brain, it can lead to a cerebral infarction, and if trapped in the heart, it can lead to a myocardial infarction, which can result in death.

Eating fatty foods, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much sweets, smoking, and lack of exercise are the causes of “blood clotting. Natto should be made a habit to prevent arteriosclerosis (PHOTO: AFRO)

If unbalanced dietary habits continue, the risk of cerebral or myocardial infarction due to arteriosclerosis increases even in one’s 40s or 50s, and it is a disease that is by no means a stranger to one’s family. People who are told in health checkups that their cholesterol levels are high need to be careful. Your blood tends to become sluggish, and you may be considered to have arteriosclerosis in your bloodstream.

The key to preventing arteriosclerosis is nattokinase, an ingredient unique to natto.

Natto is made by fermenting steamed soybeans with bacillus natto. Nattokinase is a component produced during the fermentation process of the natto bacillus. As the name “Natto” suggests, it is a special enzyme found only in natto, and is one of the components of the sticky substance.

One of the most outstanding functions of Nattokinase is its ability to dissolve blood clots and make the blood thinner.

Blood clots are more likely to form at night while sleeping than during the day. Therefore, by eating natto for dinner, Nattokinase plays an active role in the blood.

He said, “During sleep, water is in short supply, and blood becomes sluggish at dawn. If there is Nattokinase in the blood at that time, it dissolves clots and keeps the blood smooth.

It takes several hours for it to be absorbed into the body, so the best time to eat it is at dinnertime. It is not recommended to eat it right before bed. Digestion and absorption will keep the gastrointestinal tract working during sleep, which may worsen the quality of sleep.

Nattokinase also prevents high blood pressure by thinning the blood and lowering cholesterol levels.”

Natto fried rice, natto omelette… Nattokinase is destroyed when heated.

Eat natto at night rather than in the morning. In addition, there are other tips on how to eat natto in a healthy and tasty way. One of them is to avoid heating.

Enzymes are weak against heat, and Nattokinase is also deactivated by heating, which prevents the enzyme from working well. Therefore, if you want the blood-thinning effect, avoid heating dishes such as natto fried rice and natto omelette.

Natto gohan, which many people eat, is a great way to consume Nattokinase without deactivating it.

Nattokinase is not affected by the temperature of cooked rice, which is around 60 degrees Celsius, so it does not affect the function of Nattokinase. We can take all the power of Nattokinase by pouring it over rice, eating it as it is, or using it in dishes that do not require heating.

To keep your blood thin, have a fish set meal with natto for lunch,” says Shinohara. In particular, DHA and EPA contained in blue fish such as mackerel and horse mackerel are effective in preventing arteriosclerosis, just like natto (PHOTO: AFRO).

In addition, taking vitamin C, which has an antioxidant effect, is also effective in preventing aging of blood vessels. Mr. Shinohara recommends adding a little bit of vitamin C to natto.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, another antioxidant. Avocados are also rich in vitamin C and E. Adding diced tomatoes and avocados to natto further enhances the anti-aging effect on blood vessels.

Also, if you mix well when eating natto, the polyglutamic acid component is broken down into pieces and the umami taste is enhanced.”

Lowering cholesterol, bone health, intestinal activity…the power of natto is too good to be true!

Natto contains numerous nutrients other than Nattokinase. Of the estimated 30 nutrients, only vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are not found in natto. Other than that, it is said to cover most nutrients in trace amounts.

Natto is rich in high-quality protein. Protein is made from amino acids, and natto contains a good balance of essential amino acids, which are amino acids that cannot be made by our bodies.

Another feature of natto is that it contains fat that is good for the body, such as linoleic acid, which lowers cholesterol levels. Nutrients necessary for bone building, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and vitamin K, are also present. Vitamin B2, which metabolizes fat and protein, iron and folic acid, which prevent anemia, and dietary fiber and oligosaccharides, which regulate the intestinal environment, are just a few of the nutrients that are good for the body.

Another important point is that it is a traditional Japanese fermented food.

Natto is a fermented food made from vegetable matter, and it is also a powerful tool for intestinal activity because the bacteria can reach the intestines while still alive. There are other Japanese fermented foods such as miso, soy sauce, and nukazuke (pickles), but natto is probably the easiest fermented food to eat.”

Miso and soy sauce are also traditional Japanese fermented foods, but because they are seasonings, it is difficult to take a lot of them at once. Natto, on the other hand, provides many kinds of nutrients in a single pack (PHOTO: AFRO).

The standard amount to eat per day is 1 to 1.5 packs. There is no problem if you eat more than that, but it is also important to avoid having your diet solely consist of natto.

It is said that 2,000 FU of Nattokinase is needed per day to dissolve blood clots and make the blood thinner. A pack of natto (about 50 g) is said to contain an average of 1,500 FU of Nattokinase, so eat 1 to 1.5 packs daily as a guide.

However, for those with high cholesterol levels or those who have already been diagnosed with arteriosclerosis, their blood will remain sluggish unless they improve their diet, no matter how many packets of natto they eat. It is also important to avoid diets high in animal fat and unbalanced diets.”

Young blood vessels that allow blood to flow smoothly are important for building a healthy body that is free from disease. In order to maintain the age of your blood vessels, why don’t you start eating one pack of natto a day at night?

Erika Shinohara is a registered dietitian. She is a certified instructor of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine and the president of Health & Beautrition. She is the leader of Health & Beautrition, which provides easy-to-understand information on dietary habits that create health and beauty from within the body. While working as a member of a medical team at a general hospital and a nephrology and internal medicine clinic, she realized the importance of sleep and became a sleep improvement instructor and a sleep health coach.

  • Interview and text by Yoko Nemmochi Yoko Kemmochi

    Born in Yamagata Prefecture in 1983, Yoko Tunemochi worked for 10 years in the editorial department of a health information magazine, editing monthly magazines and web media before becoming a freelance writer. Currently, she interviews, plans, and writes about doctors and specialists, focusing on healthcare and medical fields.

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