How to recognize the signs of a stroke, which can occur in your 30s and 40s. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

How to recognize the signs of a stroke, which can occur in your 30s and 40s.

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Be careful if you have a toothache and difficulty speaking and speaking

If you have symptoms such as toothache, difficulty in speaking or speaking, or difficulty in raising the lip of the one with toothache when smiling, you should have a head MRI scan,” says Dr. Maruyama, who has been involved in emergency medical care for many years and is currently a visiting physician.

Dr. Jun Maruyama, who has been involved in emergency medical care for many years and currently treats many patients with cerebral infarction as a visiting physician, says, “Cerebral infarction is a disease of the cerebral blood vessels.

A stroke can cause various signs depending on where the cerebral blood vessel is blocked. From the top of the head to the toes, the brain controls all sensory and motor nerves, so if the sensory nerves are damaged, the patient may feel numbness, severe pain, or even no pain, while if the motor nerves are damaged, the patient may not be able to move.

If symptoms such as loss of strength in the hands, numbness in half of the body, distortion of the face, or loss of speech are experienced, it is said that one should go to a hospital immediately.

Ms. Miho Ohashi, a freelance announcer, suffered a stroke when she was 34 years old. She described that time in an interview with the web media, “When I touched my left hand to wash my face before going to bed, I thought, ‘I feel like I’m touching a mannequin.

Brain infarction is thought to occur in the elderly. However, Nasunanakashi’s Akiyuki Nasu was 42 years old, and freelance announcer Miho Ohashi was 34 when she had the stroke. They often develop suddenly, without warning.

A cerebral infarction is a type of stroke. There are two types of strokes: cerebral infarction, in which a cerebral blood vessel becomes clogged, and cerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage, in which a cerebral blood vessel ruptures.

Blood vessels can become clogged when the blood vessels become thinner due to arteriosclerosis, when a lump of plaque forms on the vessel wall, or when a blood clot formed in the heart due to atrial fibrillation (arrhythmia) obstructs the cerebral blood vessels. When blood flow is blocked, brain nerve cells at the end of the blood vessels die, and once dead, brain cells do not regenerate. In many cases, residual effects remain, and treatment is necessary as soon as possible.

Stiff shoulders should not be taken lightly.

If you experience a “shaking sensation,” a feeling of heat, or numbness when touching a painful area, you may be suffering from a cerebral infarction. In particular, if stiffness in the shoulders occurs after suddenly moving the neck and does not go away even with pain relief, you may have a stroke. It is advisable to have an examination at an orthopedist first.

Hiccups that persist for more than a day are also a sign of a stroke.

Hiccups can occur when a stroke occurs in the medulla oblongata area of the brain. The medulla oblongata is an important place for life support, such as breathing and heartbeat regulation, and if left untreated, it can affect breathing and heart movement,” he said.

A tooth or shoulder ache may make you think, “Hey, that doesn’t feel right,” but you may recover within a few minutes to an hour or so. This could be what is known as a “transient ischemic attack” caused by a temporarily clogged blood vessel in the brain. If it goes away in a few minutes, it is easy to think that it is nothing serious,

In any case, if symptoms such as difficulty in speaking or lifting one’s hands are accompanied by a stroke, even if it lasts only 30 seconds or a minute, it is advisable to have a checkup. This is because there is a possibility of a major stroke occurring next.

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