Minami Tanaka shows off her fine kimono…her goal for this year is “to work hard” and no mention of Kamenashi, but “love is secretly ongoing”.2025-01-24|ENTERTAINMENTHe looked good in a Japanese kimono with a calm atmosphere.See all images (5 total) Tokyo Hoteson” and Nagano held a Kagami-Biraki (opening of a sake barrel) ceremony. She seemed to be in a good mood from start to finish. PHOTO.: Keitaro NakagawaPhoto Gallery5 totalGo to previous page123
Possibility of marriage announcement within the year…Minami Tanaka and Kazuya Kamenashi are attracted to each other “Convincing commonalities and past great heartbreak”.2024-01-19
Kazuya Kamenashi, who “will soon marry Minami Tanaka,” Kyoko Koizumi, and a beautiful blonde woman… “Dating” shown only to her.2024-01-07
Former TBS Announcer Hiroko Ogura: “Are you serious?” The event that changed me from never reading newspapers2025-03-12NEW