Fuma Kikuchi Saves Sexy Zone Amid Nakajima Kento’s Withdrawal and Romance Reports | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Fuma Kikuchi Saves Sexy Zone Amid Nakajima Kento’s Withdrawal and Romance Reports

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The fan evaluations of Kenjiro Nakajima (right) and Fuma Kikuchi (left) are completely divided.

Fans of “Sexy Zone” (hereafter referred to as Sekzo) are shaken.

Amidst the announcement of the departure of the member Kenjiro Nakajima from the group on January 8, on the 17th, it was reported in “NEWS Post Seven” that he is in a relationship with Reina Washio, a former member of “E-girls.” Nakajima addressed the situation through the agency.

“Washio-san is an artist whom I respect and consider as one of my friends.”


He also expressed his own views on relationships, saying, 

“There is no such thing as friendship between a man and a woman.” 

Fans are said to be dismayed by this love affair report and his comments.

Furthermore, there are suspicions arising that Nakajima has been engaging in the most disliked behavior by fans, commonly referred to as hinting at a romantic relationship. In the March 2021 issue of the idol magazine Myojo, where Nakajima has a series titled “Kimi to Kurasaretara” In the article, Nakajima writes, 

“I have something I want to see with you someday. It’s the beautiful scenery of Vatican City. I’ve decided to go there with a special person someday. Someone I truly feel is ‘the one.’ So, in essence, this is an invitation for a honeymoon. I wonder if you, being oblivious, will notice?”

There is a passage that says, “There’s something I want to see with you someday. It’s the beautiful scenery of Vatican City. I’ve decided to go there with a special person someday. Someone I truly feel is the one.” So, in essence, this is an invitation for a honeymoon. I wonder if you, being oblivious, will notice?’ Many fans were delighted, considering it as a unique aspect of Nakajima’s charming prince character. However, it turns out that the ‘Vatican City’ mentioned was the destination reported in NEWS Post Seven where the two were said to have traveled.

“The departure of Nakajima, who has been considered a role model for idols, has surprised us. Even before this, Marius Yo left, and the group had to change its name; fans never expected Nakajima to leave ‘Sexy Zone.’

Moreover, there are reports of a romantic relationship. Until now, there have been episodes where he declined to share his email address, even when asked by classmates, citing his idol status. This makes it all the more perplexing why he, who has maintained such a stance, would do such a thing.” (Idol Magazine Writer)

His performance in the movie “Confess Your Crimes” released last year was highly acclaimed in many fields, and he is currently appearing in the drama “Living Matsunaga-san” (Fuji TV). He is considering changing his line of work from idol to adult actor, and is rumored to be going overseas as an actor, but there seems to be an increasing number of declarations among his fans that he is quitting his role as a carrier.

“At concerts, there are fans who openly attack, and in reality, there’s a visible impact in terms of numbers, such as a significant decrease in merchandise sales. One of the well-known concert goods is the ‘jumbo uchiwa’ (large fan) featuring the members’ faces, but it is said to have become unsold after the reports of the romantic relationship.

Moreover, when it comes to uchiwa, some fans raise ones with harsh words during the concert, making it visible to the artist, and it seems that the talent in question is also somewhat shocked. Although Nakajima has declared that he wants to continue running as an idol, and is considering solo live activities, he might be faced with a challenging situation.” (Entertainment reporter familiar with idols)

In the midst of all this, one member whose reputation is exploding is Fuma Kikuchi.

“Kenty (Nakajima’s nickname) and Fuma were part of the group ‘B.I. Shadow’ during their Jr. days. At that time, Fuma seemed to have a nonchalant attitude, but after the formation of Sexy Zone, he became the big brother figure within the group. He was admired by Sato Shori, Matsuhima, and Marius Yo.

In 2014, at the discretion of Johnny, the group started to operate with the trio of Kenty, Fuma, and Shori Even then, Fuma actively promoted Matsuhima to television station staff and supported the often nervous Marius. When Marius was hospitalized due to an overdose, it is said that Fuma received a call, rushed to the hospital, and accompanied him.” (Entertainment Reporter)

Kikuchi, who is currently making a name for himself in TV commercials, dramas, and even variety shows, has the ardent expectations of his fans.

“It was widely acclaimed that Kikuchi began putting himself on the line in ‘Geinoujin ga Honki de Kangaeta! Dokkiri GP’ (Fuji TV), with the sole purpose of increasing the group’s visibility. Engaging in Jr. follow-ups and shouting ‘Quit Johnny’ on a radio program, Kikuchi is reputed as ‘Truly kind Fuma’ among fans.

What fans least desire is for the group to naturally fade away. Even with the trio formation, there seems to be an expectation among fans that Fuma will lead the way’ with his manly spirit.” (Production Company Staff)

Although the paths of the two who have carried Sexy Zone on their shoulders may diverge, I only hope that each of them continues to delight fans in their respective journeys.


  • PHOTO Yusuke Kondo (Kento Nakajima), Yuri Adachi (Fuma Kikuchi)

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