TV personality reveals how he and other celebrities and female TV announcers met. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

TV personality reveals how he and other celebrities and female TV announcers met.

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Masahiro Nakai’s (left) trouble with women puts Fuji TV on the brink of extinction

The trouble between former “SMAP” star Masahiro Nakai (52) and a female ex-employee of Fuji Television Network, Inc. It has been whispered that a Fuji Television programming executive set up the dinner and then cancelled it, leaving Nakai alone with the woman, but the truth has yet to emerge.

On January 17, Fuji Television President Koichi Minato said at a press conference that he was “aware” of the series of disturbances immediately after they occurred in June 2011.

“We were aware of it.

He denied that any employees were involved.

However, he denied that any employees were involved and said he believed there was “no sexual entertainment. He said he will now refer the investigation to a newly established “investigation committee” led by a third-party lawyer.

Producers hinted that they would appear in the film.

It would be a human rights issue if female announcers and employees were forced to engage in sexual entertainment in order to curry favor with the producer, who has casting authority, and the talent who serves as the MC for the show. There have been rumors of such entertainment industry for a long time, but is there such a thing as “entertainment” against a woman’s will in the modern age? ……

When we interviewed a TV station official, he said, “There are a variety of patterns,

There are a variety of patterns, but first of all, there are cases in which production people assign their own talents to producers or leading talents. If this is not done carefully, the producer may be recorded or taped in the case of a malicious agency, and if they do not cast the talent, the producer will be vulnerable later. There have also been cases where producers have encouraged talent to appear on the show and have a relationship with them. ……

Entertainment” is not limited to the TV stations. It seems that such power relationships also occur within production companies.

Female Announcers Have Surprisingly Few Encounters

It is a terrible story, but there are offices where the managers of production companies are in charge of many female talents, and if you refuse to have sexual relations with them, they do “in-house pillow sales,” meaning that they do not give work to their own talents. In the past, there have also been worst-case scenarios in which a major talent would press a female co-star to let him have her, and when she refused, the major talent would sulk and not show up for the recording, preventing the show from going ahead.

(A TV station insider said, “People with power will use that power to get you to do their bidding. In particular, in the “arts” such as acting and singing, unlike in sports, good or bad is not quantified, so it is easy for those with decision-making authority to gain power.

In such a situation, there has been a change in the TV industry since the Fuji TV issue was reported.

Since the Fuji report, there has been an atmosphere in which it is no longer acceptable to invite female TV announcers to drinks even among close friends. To be honest, we have been inviting female TV announcers to our dinners for a long time. It’s partly because it makes the other party happy, but not everyone is reluctant to come, even the female announcers. Female announcers have a surprisingly limited number of encounters, which is why many of them get married within the company. Some people ask me straight out, “How do I meet a professional athlete?” If there is a dinner where such celebrities come, there are people who say, “I would love to go. Some people actually exchange contact information, develop a relationship, and get married. It is quite a nuisance to have the image of “dinner = sexual entertainment.

(A source at the same TV station said, “The ordinary dinner and the “cancelled dinner” reported by Nakai are not the same thing. However, it seems certain that not only Fuji TV but also other TV stations are taking a hard look at “dinners”.

  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo (Nakai)

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