Minami Tanaka shows off her fine kimono…her goal for this year is “to work hard” and no mention of Kamenashi, but “love is secretly ongoing”.
Marriage is impossible.”
Kamenashi, on the other hand, appeared on the January 2 broadcast of “Shinshun Uenuma x Sando no Dake wa Hattaranai” (Nippon Television Network Corporation), where she asked MC Emiko Uenuma (69) and the comedy duo SANDWICHMAN, “I’m almost in my 40s! What should I do from now on? What should I do from now on?
Kamenashi leads an extremely busy life and has many rules and routines in his personal life, such as “lining up all the labels on the bottles and other items on the table. Kamenashi’s “complicated” ways are often commented on by Uenuma, who says, “I can’t get married,
“I can’t get married, can I?
Uenuma said, “Marriage is impossible.
Will Tanaka and Kamenashi never make it to the finish line?
A source close to the couple said, “I heard that they have not changed their intention to get married. They were in the news too much last year, so they are being very careful not to draw attention to themselves. Tanaka seems to want to get married right away, but he is watching Kamenashi’s schedule to determine the best time to do so.
Could they make a big announcement about their marriage this year?