Yuriko Ishida’s ‘knitted sweater and pants’ impresses fans | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yuriko Ishida’s ‘knitted sweater and pants’ impresses fans

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Yuriko Ishida at the Japan Jewelry Best Dresser Awards ceremony (AFLO)

Actress Yuriko Ishida has been getting a lot of attention for her “too cute downy knit” outfit on her Instagram account. “This is the first time I’ve ever seen a woman wearing a knit dress.

In the photo, Ishida is wearing a loose-fitting gray knit sweater and thick beige pants. Her pointy white shoes are very impressive. Her hairstyle is a bob, and her curly ends look cute. Ishida wrote the following in her post.

“At today’s photo shoot, the hair and makeup artist Naoko Matsumoto (a.k.a. Machan) was wearing a ‘sweater I knitted myself’ that was so cute that I asked to wear it. I asked her to let me wear it.

“Knitting is wonderful. I admire knitters. Recently, the number of male knitters has been increasing, which is wonderful. I want to knit, too.

It seems that the knitwear Ishida is wearing was knitted by the hair and makeup artist herself. The quality of the knit was so high that some of the fans said, “The quality is too high! Some fans said, “The quality is too high! On the other hand, there was also a question: “What kind of condition is Matsumoto-san in during this time (when Ishida is wearing the knitwear)?

I wonder what kind of clothes Ishida would knit if he started knitting. I’m sure it would be something warm and cozy.

The drama in which Ishida appeared, TBS Sunday Theater’s “TOKYO MER: Run Emergency Room,” maintained high viewer ratings throughout its broadcast and ended with an astounding average household viewer rating of 19.5% (Kanto area, according to Video Research) for the final episode. She played the role of Azusa Akatsuka, the governor of Tokyo, and she was so well cast that people rushed to say, “I really want her to be the governor of Tokyo! I really want you to be the governor! Now that the much-talked-about drama is over, I’m sure many fans are already suffering from “Ishida loss.

I wonder what role he will play next. We can’t take our eyes off Ishida any more. ……!

  • Photo AFLO

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