Yuriko Ishida, a Miracle at 54! Fans Rave About How Cute She looks in Her Silly Hat | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yuriko Ishida, a Miracle at 54! Fans Rave About How Cute She looks in Her Silly Hat

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Actress Yuriko Ishida (54) updated her Instagram. She showed her private photos, which were too cute, and excited her fans.

Ishida is wearing a hat that she bought in between jobs. Her beautiful skin is amazing! (From her Instagram @yuriyuri1003)

On October 19, Ishida updated her Instagram. In the caption, she wrote that she went to Shin-Kiba to buy gardening supplies during a break from work.

“I loved it. It was a nice change of pace for 30 minutes,” she added, showing an off-shot of her wearing the hat she bought to prevent sunburn and a satisfied smile on her face.

This silly hat was loved by fans.

Fans commented, “It looks just like the hat of the yellow uncle in “Osaru no George”! Yuriko-san is cute and I love her,” “She’s beautiful, her skin is so shiny.”

Ishida celebrated her 54th birthday on October 3, and her radiance continues to increase. She is truly a “miraculous 54-year-old” lady

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