Mana Ashida, Ryoko Hirosue, Fumi Nikaido, Kaori Manabe… “Love affairs and unexpected personalities of talented actresses” who entered very prestigious universities. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Mana Ashida, Ryoko Hirosue, Fumi Nikaido, Kaori Manabe… “Love affairs and unexpected personalities of talented actresses” who entered very prestigious universities.

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Ashida will be attending the Faculty of Law at Japan’s most difficult private university this spring. At the “Japan Jewelry Best Dresser Award” last January (PHOTO: Pasya/Afro)

Actress Mana Ashida (18) will enter the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Law at a private university, said to be one of the most difficult in Japan, this spring.

On March 5, sports and other media outlets simultaneously reported the news. Ashida attended a school affiliated with the university and achieved excellent grades, so she will enter the highly popular law school internally. From now on, she will be working extensively under the two titles of student at a prestigious university and actress.

Ms. Ashida passed the entrance exam for junior high school at several difficult schools, but chose to attend a prestigious affiliated school because of its school culture, which made it easier for her to balance her performing career. She loves books and has been reading about 300 books a year in a wide range of genres since junior high school.

Some say that she had her heart set on medical school, but when she advanced to high school, she wanted to study political science at the Faculty of Law. Some people around her hope that she will eventually become a female politician.

Ashida is not the only highly educated actress. A surprisingly large number of female TV personalities have been admitted to top universities. Kanori Manabe (42) at Yokohama National University, Ryoko Hirosue (42) who dropped out but went on to Waseda University, Fumi Nikaido (28) who went on to Keio University, Comai (30) who was the vocalist of “Wednesday no Campanella,” and Rei Kikukawa (45) at Tokyo University. …… We would like to introduce the charms of these talented girls with their treasured “hot love & unexpected true faces” photos.

Driving a bright red Mercedes Benz to and from the radio station

Yoshii driving Manabe to the radio station in a bright red Mercedes Benz, taken in February 2012.

It was in February 2012 that we discovered the scene of Manabe’s passionate love affair with a graduate of Yokohama National University’s Faculty of Education and Human Sciences.

Manabe came out of an apartment in Tokyo and got into a bright red Mercedes Benz. At the wheel was Kazuya Yoshii, the vocalist of “THE YELLOW MONKEY,” with whom she was in a relationship.

Mr. Manabe had been an avowed fan of “Yemon” since that time. On her Twitter page, she wrote: “Mr. Yoshii said, ‘Let’s get married, but no sex! But no sex! What if he says, ‘Let’s get married! ‘Ahhhh, but I’ll marry him! I just had this conversation with a friend last week.

(An employee of a major record company). The Mercedes carrying the two went to a radio station in Tokyo. The station was broadcasting a live program in which Manabe appeared regularly. Yoshii was indeed a gentleman to drive her to her place of work. After the program ended, Manabe took a cab back to Yoshii’s waiting apartment.

Mr. Manabe announced his marriage to Ms. Yoshii in June 2003. They have a baby girl and are currently living happily together. She is a graduate of Yokohama National University and is actively involved in activities to eradicate child abuse and to separate married couples’ surnames.

These talented actresses have made the step up from prestigious universities. It seems likely that they will continue to use their education and knowledge to expand their fields of activity.

February 2018. Hirosue was having dinner with her mother’s friend at a popular Chinese restaurant. Accepted to Waseda University’s Faculty of Education through self-recommendation.
May 2019. Nikaido was shopping wearing a T-shirt that for some reason had “Kamata Onsen” written in large letters. He went on to Keio University’s School of Policy Studies.
July 2018. Comai was dating an Irish guy she was dating at the time. Graduated from Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies.
March 2019. Maomi Yuuki came to pick up her beloved daughter in a conspicuous pink coat. She graduated from the Faculty of Education at Tokyo Gakugei University, a national university.
June 2022. Reina Triendl at a sake event. She went on to study at Keio University’s Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
December 2019. Wakana Aoi heads out to dinner with staff after work. Accepted into the Faculty of Policy Studies at Keio University.
February 2017. Rei Kikukawa getting out of the office car. She graduated from Japan’s most difficult university, the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Engineering
March 2020. Mikako Tabe was filming a drama with Kouji Seto. Graduated from Tokyo Women’s University, Faculty of Modern Culture.
  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi, Takao Kawakami, Yasuko Sakaguchi, Sota Shima, Ichiro Takatsuka, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Junsei Todoroki, Kojiro Yamada Pasya/Afro

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