Behind Masateru Kanda’s strong determination to return is a thorough “gag order” within the station due to his absence from “Tabisaladara” for four weeks in a row. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Behind Masateru Kanda’s strong determination to return is a thorough “gag order” within the station due to his absence from “Tabisaladara” for four weeks in a row.

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Masateru Kanda looked good escorting Kimiko Ikegami in the rain. …… (’04)

Actor Masateru Kanda has been inundated with concerns about his health.

On December 9, he appeared as the MC of “Morning! Ikudesu Tabi Salad” (TV Asahi), for which he serves as the MC, on December 9. This marked the fourth consecutive week that Kanda was absent from the program.

The previous week, on the second day of the program, Nao Matsushita said at the beginning of the program

Kanda-san is currently undergoing physical maintenance and will be taking some time off.

Kanda-san is currently undergoing physical maintenance and will be taking some time off,” commented Nao Matsushita. Co-host Shuwa Katsumata said

I see. Pinko Izumi contacted me and told me to tell Nao to hang in there.

Kanda was the previous TV personality.

Kanda succeeded his predecessor, TV personality Hitoshi Kusano, and became MC in April 1997. Since then, Kanda has continued to MC this long-running program for 26 years, and for Kanda, it has been his life’s work.

Kanda wanted to do this kind of informative variety show rather than dramas or movies,” said Kanda. He felt that going on location and interacting with people wherever he went suited him. It was Kanda-san’s only regular program, and for that reason he was very attached to it.

However, this year, Kanda began to notice something unusual. Since the beginning of spring, Kanda’s cheeks have become flushed, her gray hair and wrinkles have become more noticeable, and she appears to have lost at least 10 kilograms.

In an interview with some media, she explained that she has been using “fasting,” a diet and detoxification program in which she abstains from food for a certain period of time, since a year and a half ago.

She laughed it off, saying, “I’m not sick or anything like that (laughs).”

He laughed it off.

According to a person involved in the program

“Various media people have asked, ‘Kanda-san, are you all right? Are you sick? But we, the staff, are not informed of the details of the situation. The information is shared only by the upper management of the station, and it is as if a strict gag order is in place.

Kanda revealed, “When he takes a break from a program, he says, ‘I’ll be back again.

When Kanda took a leave of absence from the program, he said, “I’ll be back again,” and the staff believes him.

Kanda’s daughter, Sayaka Kanda, did not return home in December 2009.

It is easy to imagine that he was exhausted both physically and mentally as a father. However, it is too early to link Sayaka’s death to the “severe weight loss. According to a person involved in the program, “Ms. Kanda was weak in front of us.

According to a person involved in the program, “Ms. Kanda never expressed her feelings of weakness in front of us. I think she made it a rule not to bring her private feelings into the program.

The timing of Kanda’s return has not been determined at this time.

At this point, the timing of Kanda’s return is undecided. She was admitted to a hospital for tests after being persuaded by those around her, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, the date of her release has been extended. Since the future of the program is still in flux, the program’s treatment is also beginning to become a topic of conversation.

If Kanda-san’s condition is not good, will he be replaced by another MC? Or will the entire program be renewed based on its 26-year history? The station is considering various options, but since Kanda himself has said that he will return, we have no choice but to wait for him to get well and come back.

Kanda has been known for his athleticism since his days at Ishihara Promotion, which dissolved in 2009. His hobbies include golf and skiing. In recent years, he has been taking good care of his health.

He has never been a “maverick drinker or playaholic. After Sayaka’s death, he usually went straight home after recording.

The Internet is rife with theories that he is seriously ill, but we trust his word that he will return, and look forward to the day when he will be able to return.

  • PHOTO Kenji Nozawa

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