Toshifumi Fujimoto apologizes to Sanma Akashiya for the “hit-and-run” accident. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Toshifumi Fujimoto apologizes to Sanma Akashiya for the “hit-and-run” accident.

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Fujimon getting into his car. He is a successful actor, and the impact of the hit-and-run accident on his work is immeasurable. ……

Fujimon was a bit depressed after what happened. I got in touch with him depressed. ……”

Akashiya Sanma appeared on “Young Town Saturday” (MBS Radio) on October 14 and revealed that he had received an apology from Toshifumi Fujimoto of the comedy duo “Fujiwara,” who had announced his voluntary self-restraint from activities after a hit-and-run accident.

Program regular Shoji Murakami began by saying

He said, “He made some pretty harsh comments to Inoue. He said, “I have to get off the show and apologize.

With a laugh, he mentioned that Fujimoto had harshly pointed out that Yusuke Inoue of “NON STYLE” had been sent to prosecution (later the case was dropped) after a hit-and-run accident in 2004. Then, Sanma said

He said, “When he says it himself, ‘I’m already in a state of panic. It’s easy to tell people, but you have to be calm. (I know the steps to take, such as getting out of the car, apologizing, calling the insurance company, and calling the police.

However, when the time came, it didn’t seem to work out that way.

I was weak in my feelings. I am sorry, and I apologize for all the trouble I have caused you.

Fujimoto is also a member of the “Sancho” team, in which she is a member of.

As for the future of “Sanma’s Comedy Improvement Committee” (Fuji TV), in which Fujimoto appears, Murakami said

Murakami offered to fill in for Fujimoto, saying, “I’ll go if you want.

When Murakami offered to fill in for Fujimoto, Sanma said, “I’ll go if you want.

When Murakami offered to fill in for Fujimon, Sanma said, “His character is different from Fujimon’s. He’s good at off-the-cuff remarks. He’s good at making offhand remarks. He’s a ‘stick-up artist’. Almost all of the guests are “taut gei. And the host is a ‘stick-up artist’ too.

Fujimoto seemed to recognize the importance of Fujimoto’s role, saying, “I want Fujimon’s position.

Also, on the 14th, the TV personality, Chinoyo Kobushi, appeared on “Koji Imada’s Spoiler MTG” (Yomiuri TV) and when Fujimoto’s topic was discussed, he said, “He’s not good at it, but he’s big.

He said, “You’re not good at what you do, but you drive a big car and do it without paying attention, that’s why you get into this mess. You idiot.

Fujimoto and Inoue are in the same category in my opinion. Fujimoto and Inoue are in the same category in my mind; I have an image of them as crass and impatient.

Fujimoto and Inoue are in the same category in my mind.

When a comedian mentions this topic and teases him about it, it seems like it’s too soon for him to make a comeback. In Inoue’s case, he injured the cab driver and fled the scene, but he returned to work after only three months. This is the power of Yoshimoto.

They have their own theaters, and now they have BS Yoshimoto, so there are plenty of slots for them to appear in their own content. Since Mr. Fujimoto is valued by Mr. Sanma and his partner is not injured, there is a possibility that he could make a speedy return to work at the one-month level if he is not careful. However, it may be difficult for him to make his style of funny “gaya” (gabble) during conversations with others after the scandal. ……

Fujimoto was involved in a hit-and-run accident. Even if he could return to work at an early date, he should reflect on his actions.

  • PHOTO Ippei Hara

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