Invasion of Ukraine, Putin’s Terrifying “Six Steps Game Plan”
Landmines in the “Humanitarian Corridor”. Putin’s Determination to Eradicate Ukraine
A Japanese Resident in Ukraine’s Decision: “Why I Will Continue to Send Information in This Country
Is Putin Hiding in the Mountain? Revealing How Ukraine & Russia’s Leaders Responded to Assassination Threat
Harsh Truth of Men Working in the Female Sex Industry
Everyone’s Eyes is on the Yamaguchigumi 7th Generation as the Head of the Tsukasa clan turns 80
Brainwashed couple forced 600 times to prostitute their female roommate… Appalling use of “money paid up” by brainwashed couple.
The Critical Reason for the Temperature Difference in the “U.S. and EU Responses” Against Putin
A Japanese Resident Makes a Decisive Decision: “I Can’t Give Up on Ukraine…
Muddy scandals, thinning hair measures… The Mystery of the Confused “South Korean Presidential Election
Corona Disaster “Female College Students Taking Online Classes at Sex Shops
Rising Pressure in Japan’s “Nuclear Sharing” & Restarting Nuclear Power Plant in the Midst of War in Ukraine
Will Russia Collapse? Putin, Isolated and Frustrated in the International Community.
Shivering Photo of the Putin’s “Trunk of Nuclear”, Will it be Used For Ukraine?
An expert in information dissemination…Ukraine’s president “behind the surge in ratings”
The “Critical Difference” between the U.K. and Japan, which have returned to normalcy from the coronas.
Pianist Fujiko’s Anti-War Thoughts in Berlin
Exclusive direct hit! Super Crazy, “A Sad Flesh Voice Immediately After Losing My Job”
Morale of Russian troops temporarily lowered… “Putin’s miscalculation” in nudging Ukrainian civilians.
Judo Bronze and Bilodid “Two Shots with the President” appealed to the message.
Wise decision! Behind the Scenes of Kishida’s Lightning-Fast “Acceptance of Ukrainian War Refugees
Putin’s “Total Replacement Plan” for Ukraine
Killed three men and a woman through a website, “the contents of sexual urges” that drove the man.