Everyone’s Eyes is on the Yamaguchigumi 7th Generation as the Head of the Tsukasa clan turns 80 | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Everyone’s Eyes is on the Yamaguchigumi 7th Generation as the Head of the Tsukasa clan turns 80

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On January 25, the 80th birthday of Yamaguchigumi’s sixth head, Shinobu Tsukasa, information spread that Seiji Takayama, 74, would succeed to the seventh head. In the end, it turned out to be a false rumor, but it was an opportunity for the timing of the succession to come under close scrutiny again,” said a businessman familiar with the gang situation.

Late last year, President Kiyota (center left) sends off Wakao Takayama (center right). Next to him is Chairman Uchibori, who is smiling broadly.

When will the seventh Yamaguchigumi generation be born? Why is the timing so important? What is being talked about in the circles is the school of thought that “the problems that occurred in the era of the sixth generation will be solved in that generation. If we follow this style, there will be no transition to the 7th generation until the split between the Yamaguchigumi VI and Kobe Yamaguchigumi that occurred in August 2015 is settled. The “replacement” means that the conflict will be settled, but that prospect is not in sight at this time.

The Kobe side is estimated to have about 550 members by the end of 2021. The reality, however, may be a little less, according to the businessman.

I heard that the actual number is not that large,” he said. Of course, there are some who are ‘stealth members,’ because if they are registered as a member, they will suffer serious disadvantages such as not being able to sign bank accounts or cell phone contracts, but even so, there are not more than 500 members.

As has been reported, the Rokudai side has continued to cut down on Kobe, and the number of members on the Kobe side, which was estimated to be as many as 2,000 or 3,000, has been whittled down. It is also true that it will take time.

Although it is becoming the default that Young Master Takayama will succeed as the seventh head, if we wait for the Kobe side to raise its voice, the transfer will not take place anytime soon.

Therefore, it is said that the Tsukasa clan is looking at the timing when Sadamasa Irie, 78, deputy head of the Kobe clan and leader of the Takumi clan II, will step down in some way as “a point of compromise.

It has been said that Vice President Irie, along with then-Wakagashira Tsukasa and others, may have forced the 5th Generation to retire during the Watanabe 5th Generation era.

There are various reasons why Deputy General Manager Irie split the clan with Inoue and others, such as because he was removed from the mainstream, but along with Yamakengumi, which returned to the VI last year, the Takumi clan is a symbolic presence in the Yamaguchigumi split. If the time comes when Vice President Irie retires, it would not be surprising if he comes up with the idea that ‘the split has been settled and we can connect it to the next generation’.

The confrontation with Inoue, who breaths that he will never disband, may not be the last task of the sixth generation, but rather the first task of the seventh generation.

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