College Girl Accused by GaaSyy for “Robbing 400 million yen” Strikes Back | FRIDAY DIGITAL

College Girl Accused by GaaSyy for “Robbing 400 million yen” Strikes Back

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Mimitan, happy that she is now able to return to Japan

On September 13, the Metropolitan Police Department’s Investigation Division 3 arrested three men on suspicion of theft and other crimes for breaking into an apartment in Suginami Ward, Tokyo, around 1 p.m. on December 29 last year and stealing about 20 million yen in cash, 26 gold bars (worth about 150 million yen in total), 8 watches (worth about 16 million yen in total), and other items worth about 190 million yen.  

Mimika Sekiguchi, 23, aka “Mimitan,” was informed of the news by a friend.

“After it was reported on TV, I immediately received many calls,” she said. “I heard things like, ‘Mimitan wasn’t the culprit,’ and ‘GaaSyy, who said Mimitan was the mastermind behind the incident, is a big liar.’”

“I had always insisted on my innocence, but everyone was skeptical. But even I had forgotten about it. When I got the call, I thought, ‘Oh, that happened to me.’”

Mimitan is an active university student, but she is also an entrepreneur and influencer. By chance, she got involved with Motoki Masaoka, the brain behind Yoshikazu Higashitani, 51, aka GaaSyy, who gained explosive popularity as an exposé-style YouTube star. Mimitan lived with GaaSyy and his crew in Dubai for a time. However, as reported in Friday Digital, as soon as she broke up with Mr. Masaoka, she was falsely accused of being a “400 million yen robber” by GaaSyy himself and his gang using YouTube and social networking services.


“This proves that the LINE exchange that GaaSyy and others posted as proof that I was the mastermind behind the robbery was a fabrication. They claimed that the damage was 400 million yen, but according to media reports, the damage was less than 200 million yen, so the 400 million yen figure was also a lie. They said something like, ‘There is 200 million yen worth of virtual currency in the USB flash drive,’ but I don’t know.”

On September 21, defendant GaaSyy was released on bail with 30 million yen.

As for GaaSyy, who called her a robber by name and spread the story on social networking sites, she asserted, “I will file a criminal complaint for defamation.”

“Even if I file a complaint, it will remain on the Internet as a digital tattoo. I have informed the detective in charge of the Ogikubo Police Station of all the criminal acts and criminal tactics of GaaSyy’s gang that I saw and heard about in Dubai. The perpetrators of the robbery seem to have been recruited through a black market job, but I think I have an idea who recruited the perpetrators and who provided the information.”

Mimitan, who had temporarily gone into hiding at a luxury resort in the Philippines because she feared for her safety, was able to travel back and forth between Singapore, Australia, and Japan after GaaSyy’s arrest.

“GaaSyy is out on bail, but he is no longer a threat to me,” she said. “He was backed up by a businessman, Shintaro Akita, who apparently “cut” him off. In a book titled ‘The Scoundrel,’ which describes the business of the GaaSyy gang, Akita is introduced as the mastermind behind GaaSyy, and he invites people who can no longer stay in Japan to Dubai to hide and gives them a second chance. GaaSyy, who was trying to escape from the UAE royal family, was arrested because Mr. Akita had given up on him.”

“Masaoka was also cut off by Mr. Akita. I heard that he moved to Kuala Lumpur after he could no longer live in Dubai, and is now running a small-time scam. It seems that several of our mutual acquaintances were being asked for money by Masaoka. I heard that he is going to Thailand for now. It means that those who want to hurt people and get money from them will not be happy, right? It’s a matter of karma and retribution. However, there is salvation in GaaSyy. When I lived in Dubai, I used to drink with him and he was a good person at heart. I hope he manages to get his life back on track by using his ability to talk to attract people and his network of contacts. I want to support him there.”


Interrupting the reporter’s comment that “it’s an epic life,” Mimitan concluded.

“Do you know Mr. D, the con man that is being hunted down by the people in the underworld and crime brokers? There are rumors that Mr. Akita may be harboring him in Dubai. I hope no new crimes will be committed.”

Dubai and other overseas-based businesses have a dazzling allure that attracts crooks there like insects to a mothball.

He is thinking of staying in Japan for a while.
She runs a bar in Osaka. She is active in multiple fields.
Has many acquaintances in the business and entertainment worlds.

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