(Page 4) University officials warn of “a crisis here and now” at the progressively impoverished national universities: “They want us to donate from our retirement funds… | FRIDAY DIGITAL

University officials warn of “a crisis here and now” at the progressively impoverished national universities: “They want us to donate from our retirement funds…

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“First of all, they want to ‘increase the number of teachers on annual salaries.’ I think this is because the source of funds for retirement allowances will disappear in the future.

Another indicator is the percentage of young faculty members. For example, it seems to be set at 1 point for faculty members in their 30s, 0.5 points for those in their 40s, and 0 points for those in their 50s and above, and so on.

Then, as for globalization, the ratio of foreign students and the ratio of foreign faculty members. In addition, the University of Tokyo has a system whereby the university headquarters pays a portion of the cost of hiring female faculty members,” said Professor A.

“From ’16, the total budget of the university will not be reduced, and what was created instead is a system to reallocate the budget according to points such as the percentage of faculty members under 40 years of age.

For example, if the percentage of faculty members under 40 years old is reflected in the evaluation, it is possible in the future to cut the heads of tenured faculty members and faculty members over 40 years old and hire younger people,” said D.

‘We would give tenure to the younger ones so that we don’t have to hire them when they are over 40.

Universities have to operate without knowing how much budget they will receive next year, and it has already become the norm not to hire as many people as possible because they cannot secure personnel expenses. So we have to make do with part-time lecturers every year,” said Associate Professor C. “We have to renew male faculty members in their late 30s.

When they were deciding whether to renew a male faculty member in his late 30s, they said they would replace him with a female faculty member because a female faculty member would get points.

The utilization of women is a good thing in itself, but there are some cases where women are being misused as a way to replace their heads.

Why Chinese universities are growing in the world research rankings

At the end of last year, the amendment to the National University Corporation Law was passed and enacted, overcoming many objections. When asked what he feared would be the impact of this change, Professor A replied, “The incorporation of Japan’s national universities has originally been intended to increase the number of Chinese universities in the world.

The incorporation of Japan’s national universities was originally modeled on British universities, but I can only think of Chinese universities as the model for the revision of the National University Corporation Law.

In China, “secretaries,” who are like candidates for senior positions in the Chinese Communist Party, are dispatched to many places of work, including governments, schools, and companies. In each university, these secretaries hold down the heads of the president, chancellor, and president, and issue orders such as ‘do this research, do not do this research, and expel this faculty member.

The reason why Chinese universities are growing so much in the world research rankings I hear that the reason why Chinese universities are growing so much in the world research rankings is because they have created such scoring standards, and their secretaries are making plans to meet them.

However, Japan started out with the UK as a model, and now politicians are saying that we should learn from China, and are promoting a system design similar to that of China without considering the actual situation in Japan.

The biggest concern is that the Governing Council has the authority to make decisions on mid-term management plans, and it is highly likely that the Council will give orders without thinking, for example, to create new faculties and departments, or to conduct research in the trendy field of AI. Something similar is happening at Shimonoseki City University.

The head of a public university is the head of the local government, and once a decision is made by the council, it becomes the university’s policy, but the faculty members are confused when they are told to create a new department on an impulse. So such cases could happen here and there,” said Associate Professor C.

One such example is the Osaka Public University, established by Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City, which has come under much criticism for considering “official language English” and “introduction of fall admission.

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