University officials warn of “a crisis here and now” at the progressively impoverished national universities: “They want us to donate from our retirement funds…
It started in 2004, when the national universities were incorporated and the efficiency coefficient was applied to them as a necessity to impose management improvement,” said Associate Professor C.
Associate Professor C. “Everyone tends to think it is the Ministry of Education, but the Ministry of Education is also in trouble, and the problem is the Ministry of Finance.
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) knows long ago that there is no basis for the 1% reduction and that it is impossible to improve efficiency.
If you reduce the budget by 1% and output is also reduced by 1%, that is not efficiency. The current situation is that by slimming down national universities, the output is also slimming down.
What is a “profitable university”? “In fact, patents don’t make any money at all.
When the government first came up with the idea of “profitable universities,” there was a lot of criticism, but I did not expect it to be about making a few coins by leasing land to the private sector. In fact, what is an “earning university”?
The original theme of the “profitable university” was to make money through research. But in fact, they are not making any money at all from patents.
At first, the university was also trying to earn money by obtaining a lot of patents, but the situation has become such that expenses are higher because patents cannot be maintained without paying registration fees, and recently we have been told to be very selective when obtaining patents.
As for the subject matter, they say that they will get paid for joint research with a company, or that they will develop a product through joint research and sell it in a venture company, but there are only a very few successful examples. However, only a small percentage of them are successful, and since there are many unsuccessful cases behind them, I don’t think they are making any money at all in total.
Patents are originally registered in large numbers, but you never know which of them will break through in the future, and most of them are kept in storage.
Even if some of them are utilized, many of them end up not being profitable.
If you aim for a light-emitting diode, you have to have a plan to pay for the 100 or 200 or so dollars that would otherwise be wasted.
Moreover, there is a match-pumping aspect to this project. I heard that a conglomerate company and others have set up a consulting group together with a national university.
When a national university provides consulting services, it sounds like it is intellectually superior and is likely to attract customers, but at the same time, they are told that they should not “put pressure on the private sector. But then they are told, “Don’t put pressure on the private sector. I don’t know what they are doing,” said Professor A.