Celebrating the birth of her first child! …May J. “as she is” with her wild actor husband in “pre-marital hand-holding date” photos | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Celebrating the birth of her first child! …May J. “as she is” with her wild actor husband in “pre-marital hand-holding date” photos

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May J. and Shogen walk down the street at night holding hands.’ Photo taken in June 2002.

Singer May J. (35) gave birth to her long-awaited first child on November 16, updating her SNS with the following news.

I am happy to announce the birth of my first child. Thanks to your support, both mother and child are healthy and enjoying a peaceful time.

May J. married wild actor Shogen (45) on June 20, 2010. In an article distributed the same day, “FRIDAY Digital” reported on their meeting and their friendship along with a “pre-marital hand-tied date” photo. We would like to reproduce the article and look back on the “trajectory of happiness” (some corrections have been made).

Perfectly matched from the very beginning of their relationship

I am pleased to announce that I have entered into a marriage contract with Mr. Shogen, an actor with whom I have been in a relationship for some time, on June 20, 2010, which is our mutual birthday.

The couple is 10 years older than May J., who made her breakthrough with the theme song for the hit movie “Anna and the Snow Queen. Her partner is Shogen, a wild actor based in the U.S. who is 10 years older than May J. They have been together for about 9 years. After nine years of dating, they have finally made it to the goal.

May J. is from an American school and her mother is from Iran. She is fluent in English and has a strong international sense. Her partner, Shogen, is also an internationalist who trained in New York to step up as an actor. The two were a perfect match from the moment they met.

In June 2002, soon after they started dating, “FRIDAY” caught the two on a date holding hands. We would like to introduce their path to marriage, along with photos that show their happiness.

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