Takafumi Horie Predicts More Than 90% of White-Collar Workers Will Lose Their Jobs As ChatGPT Continues To Gain Popularity | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Takafumi Horie Predicts More Than 90% of White-Collar Workers Will Lose Their Jobs As ChatGPT Continues To Gain Popularity

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Hollimon talks about the future of AI’s pervasive use

I thought that more than 90% of white-collar jobs would be eliminated with the advent of AI’s ChatGPT.

On March 30 and 31, businessman Takafumi Horie, a.k.a. “Holliemon,” spoke about the evolution of AI on his YouTube channel. He warned that the evolution of AI will cause a large number of people to lose their jobs in the future.

One of the reasons for this is the OpenAI (Open AI) “ChatGPT,” which was announced at the end of last year and has revolutionized society. ChatGPT will be installed not only in the search engine “Bing” but also in “Office365”.

As of February 2023, the number of monthly active users reached 100 million. No one could have imagined that AI would evolve so rapidly.

ChatGPT is a free service that provides interactive AI (artificial intelligence) answers to your questions. Recently, the upwardly compatible “GPT-4” (paid service) was announced.

It is different from Siri on the iPhone or Alexa on Amazon, and can automatically write presentation materials, programming code, blog posts, etc., if you ask it to do so.

“The use of ChatGPT has become so widespread that many people have become ChatGPT masters, combining ChatGPT with image creation software to create NFTs, illustrations, photo books, and anything else. This evolution in just a few months since its launch is frightening,” said an IT journalist.

In this context, Elon Musk, owner of Twitter Inc. and Tesla Motors Inc.

“The development of fast-growing AI systems may pose a risk to society.”

(IT journalist), published an open letter with over 1,300 signatures proposing a six-month moratorium on the development of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.

Horie’s underlying reading of this is:

“It’s just people who missed the boat on AI are getting impatient and saying, ‘Wait a minute,'” he said in a calm analysis.”

On YouTube, he said that Microsoft plans to include AI in Office.

“Microsoft is planning to incorporate AI into Office, so it will be able to automatically create PowerPoint documents, draft e-mails, and Excel documents. Naturally, those jobs will disappear. More than half of consulting work is to prepare materials to make plausible statements.

“Management is cruel, so I suspect that they are taking advantage of the restructuring of GAFAM and other overseas companies to fire these people. As a programmer myself, I know that AI can do both coding and debugging. I thought that low-level engineers would lose their jobs,” he predicts.

He predicts, “AI is going to be a great tool for the future.”

Mr. Horie also predicted that the Dark Web and other places would be unregulated by ChatGPT, and that the Internet would become a place where people can learn how to make weapons and nuclear missiles,

“How to make weapons, how to make nuclear missiles, how to generate child pornography”

He also feared that ChatGPT would be used for crimes such as making weapons, making nuclear missiles, and generating child pornography through the dark web.

In the case of Japan, the birthrate is declining, and while I believe that the increased efficiency of work will be very effective, there is also concern that if more than 90% of the population loses their jobs, the global economy will cool down and public safety will suffer.

Is the world now at a turning point with the advent of ChatGPT?

  • PHOTO Natsuki Sakai/Afro

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