Kika Fujiwara in a corner of the theater… Devotion to her husband Ainosuke Kataoka in kimono and bowing to his patrons on the first day of his return to the stage.2025-03-20|ENTERTAINMENTShe politely greeted each and every one of her loyal customers who visited her.See all images (4 total) It only lasted about 10 minutes, but she was surrounded by many of her loyal customers. Kika begins her preparations even before her patrons arrive. PHOTO: Akira KidoPhoto Gallery4 totalGo to previous page123
Norika Fujiwara overcame bashing to be recognized as “the too sexy neighbor” and “the wife of Ewen”.2024-04-30
Kika Fujiwara’s renewed popularity as an actress Hiroko Mita’s stock rose after her affair with Shikan Nakamura… The “pecking order and popularity” of the wives of the narien (pear orchard)2024-05-04