Nyanko Star Angora Village Mayor Reveals True Relationship with Partner on Path to King of Conte Finals | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nyanko Star Angora Village Mayor Reveals True Relationship with Partner on Path to King of Conte Finals

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Her first photo book is selling like hotcakes and she is inundated with interviews!

Angora Muranaga’s first digital photo book “151 cm, 48 kg” is a record-breaking hit. However, the duo’s main goal is to achieve success in the field of “comedy.

The duo’s target is advancing to the finals of King of Conte once again. Their first solo live performance held at Za Koenji 2 on June 5th was also a great success. While joining hands with partner Super 3-suke, they aim for the pinnacle of the comedy world, or so it seems.

“Is it Mr. 3-suke? Rather than supporting each other, it feels like we’re using each other as stepping stones (laughs). There’s absolutely no trust as people. At first, I thought he was a nice person and we got along well, but the more I got to know him, the more I realized he’s not a decent human being.”

In an era where close-knit comedy duos are increasing, their sharp-tongued banter is unusually rare. I dug deeper into their relationship with Super 3-suke.

“Everything is just no good with Mr. 3-suke. His character is fundamentally flawed, and he doesn’t make any effort. When I tried to promote the name ‘Nyanko Star’ on TikTok, he started saying things like, ‘He’s not a comedian.’ Regarding the photobook, he was jealous, saying things like, ‘I envy the royalties,’ and ‘I want to release one too.'”

The complaints of the Angora Village Mayor never cease.

“Mr. 3-suke hates practicing. Yet, he often messes up his jokes. There’s a gag where a magical girl rides on a squid fishing boat and the squids gather around a magical light. But Mr. 3-suke forgets he’s supposed to be a squid fisherman and messes it up (laughs). If the joke flopped despite being understood, it would be one thing, but it’s the worst when the joke doesn’t even make sense. I’ve even asked him, ‘How many years have you been doing this?’ in frustration. Recently, he’s finally started practicing a little.”

Angora Village Mayor may be critical, but they have trust in their jokes. During their solo live performances, they each showcased their own material, and the entire venue erupted in laughter multiple times.

“I believe my jokes have explosive power, so I need to reduce the proportion of karaoke-related jokes. I want to create jokes that resonate with people of all ages and genders, like the gag where a kebab shop owner is reincarnated in another world, for my second solo performance.

That said, I also consider my jump rope routine as a treasure. In fact, I’m a member of the Manzai Association and occasionally perform at the Toyo Theater in Asakusa. The jump rope routine surprisingly appeals to elderly men and women as well.

In the Manzai Association, there are many seniors who continue to perform their routines as they age. I think about paths like appearing in shorts and holding a jump rope even when I turn 80, with Mr. 3-suke shouting that there’s a path like that too.”

Angora Village Mayor caused a big stir with their first gravure photoshoot, but at the end of the day, they are still a comedian.

“Other comedians around me responded that it’s actually good regarding the gravure, and many people bought it. It was a strange realization for me to see a different side of myself than what I had in mind.

But still, my greatest ideal is to make a living by doing jokes and receiving money for them. I think this gravure hit because I was a comedian, it was the end of my twenties, and those conditions overlapped. I fully understand that I’m not an idol. Therefore, I want to stay grounded and continue doing jokes.”

Coincidentally, Zofi, known for his gag “Che de datte!” was also present at the solo live performance. Zofi had been a finalist in King of Conte twice before disbanding in November 2011. Saito is currently running an izakaya (Japanese-style pub).

In the tough world of comedy, Angora Village Mayor continues to walk towards the future, spurred on by the idols they have long admired.


Exclusive Release of Photos from First Digital Photobook
Exclusive Release of Photos from First Digital Photobook
Exclusive Release of Photos from First Digital Photobook
Exclusive Release of Photos from First Digital Photobook
Debut Photobook “151cm, 48kg”
  • PHOTO Katsumi Murata

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