The Duration of Their Relationship Revealed: The ‘Aftermath’ of the Former Free Announcer and Traja’s Noeru Kawashima’s Bikini Two-Shot
The first half of 2012: "After that hot love scoop" (in Japanese)
FRIDAY obtained the photo introduced at the beginning of this article, a picture of the two on a trip to Bali about four years ago, when they were on good terms.
However, the couple, who had been in a serious relationship for about six years, reportedly broke up around February of this year. This coincided with the time when Mr. Takahashi had his official recognition revoked by the National Democratic Party of Japan. In mid-March, FRIDAY interviewed Takahashi in Tokyo about his relationship with Kawashima.
–Mr. Takahashi was a former student at the University of Tokyo, and had been in a relationship with Mr. Kawashima for six years. I heard that you were in a relationship with Mr. Kawashima for about six years.
It’s in the past, so ……”
–Is it true that you were in a relationship?
–And you were in a relationship with him for six years?
“It’s not quite wrong. ……
–I heard that they broke up in February of this year, but was this related to the series of turmoil?
Since it’s in the past,……
–Which of you initiated the breakup?
“It’s a secret (laughs).
–Do you keep in touch with Mr. Kawashima?
“Every once in a while.
–If you are in contact, does that mean you are still in a relationship?
It’s a secret (laughs). It is true that such things have happened in the past.
–You must have had a tough time during the KDP uproar.
I will not go into politics for now. I have no intention of going into show business.
–What kind of life do you lead now?
I am unemployed for the moment, but when I get better, I hope to work hard again in the public sphere.