Cause of the affair with a famous female announcer? Leakage of confidential information? …Chinese Foreign Minister suddenly dismissed from his post.

The Chinese authorities seem to be having a hard time.
They are dealing with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, 57, who was abruptly dismissed from his post on July 25 after a month of uncertainty about his movements. At a press conference on July 27, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was asked by the foreign media what the reason for his resignation was, and he emphasized that he was “opposed to the malicious clamor” and that he had “no information to provide. .
However, …….
On the 28th, the official website re-posted an entry regarding Mr. Qin. The spokesperson evaded explaining the matter, saying, ‘There is no need to read too much into it. This shows the confusion within the government.
The last time Tai appeared in public was on June 25, when he met with Russian officials. The following month, he was absent from the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) meeting, citing “poor health. It is highly unusual for a high-level government official to go missing for a month due to health problems.
There are also reports that he has a child with an adulterer.
Various speculations about the reason for his dismissal were circulated. Taiwan’s “United News” reported on the issue of his affair with a famous female announcer. The rumored partner is Ms. A, an anchor for the Hong Kong media outlet Phoenix TV, a talented woman in her 30s who studied economics at Peking University and has experience studying abroad in the UK.
Their intimate relationship is well known, and it is said that Ms. A gave birth to Mr. Qin’s child. In fact, Mr. A has posted pictures of himself and Mr. Qin on his SNS, as well as images of his infant. The problem does not stop at infidelity; Mr. A is said to have obtained confidential Chinese information from Mr. Qin. The inside information leaked overseas. There is a story that Xi Jinping, the leader of China, was so outraged that he fired Mr. Qin.
Qin, who was born in the eastern city of Tianjin, served as minister to the United Kingdom and press secretary, but he was not an elite member of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. His appointment as foreign minister is a major step forward for Mr. Xi. Kota Takaguchi, a journalist and expert on the situation in China, explains the inside story of the current turmoil.
At the Communist Party congress last October, Xi swept away all opposition, and his regime is now firmly in place. It is hard to believe that Qin’s dismissal this time is due to ‘anti-Xi Jinping’ or ‘anti-Foreign Ministry’ reasons. It is more likely to be due to factional strife within the Xi regime. With the Xi regime having no more domestic “enemies,” the power struggle will continue to intensify. A second or third Qin Shi may emerge.
The disappearance of Mr. Qin, whose whereabouts are still unknown. The attitude of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which refuses to provide a clear explanation, also reveals the depth of the darkness of the power struggle in China.