He knew two of the four ringleaders…! EXIT’s Daiki Kanekika, who was in contact with Luffy and the others in the “dark job” case, is interviewed! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

He knew two of the four ringleaders…! EXIT’s Daiki Kanekika, who was in contact with Luffy and the others in the “dark job” case, is interviewed!

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In response to a direct interview, Kanekon turned his eyes for a moment but quickly got into his car.

Since around October ’22, there have been 14 robberies and more than 30 arrests nationwide. Four suspects have emerged as the ringleaders of these robberies: Masaki Watanabe (38), Seiya Fujita (38), Masato Imamura (38), and Tomonobu Kojima (45), who are currently detained at an immigration facility in the Philippines.

The leader of the group, Watanabe, along with three other suspects, recruited “tataki” (robbers) on SNS as part-timers. They allegedly used a messaging app from an immigration facility to give specific locations and times. Currently, the Philippine government has begun preparations to extradite Watanabe and the other suspects back to Japan.

When this incident came to light, the situation spilled over into unexpected areas. When Watanabe’s name was reported, Daiki Kanekika, 31, of EXIT, suddenly surfaced.

Kanekika has a history of being arrested along with the current suspects. In April 2012, he was arrested at an apartment in Sapporo, Hokkaido. In April 2012, approximately 10 million yen in cash was stolen from an apartment in Sapporo, Hokkaido. In August of the same year, four people, including the suspect Watanabe, were arrested. The names of Kanekika and Watanabe, as well as Fujita, were among the members of the group, and their relationship to the current crime group was pointed out. However, Kanekika has already disclosed that he himself had been arrested for theft in the past, and he also explained that the case had been dropped. The appearance of the Watanabe suspect’s name rekindled the case,” said a reporter from the society section of a national newspaper.

A man who used to work for the Watanabe suspects said that Kanekon had been in contact with both Watanabe and Fujita.

Suspect Watanabe in custody in the Philippines

Seiya Fujita, who was arrested along with his boss (Watanabe), was working for “EXIT” when he was running a special scam in the Philippines. You know Kanechika from the “EXIT”? I used to work with him. He used to tell people around him, ‘I used to use him to do bad things in the past. As far as I was concerned, he was just a local junior. Of course, after the boss left for the Philippines, we didn’t have a relationship. Kaneko never came to visit us.

What was the relationship between Watanabe and Fujita and Kanekika?

On January 31, I approached Kanekika as he came out of the theater, thanking the fans who were waiting for him. When Kanekika noticed the reporter, he looked up for a moment, but did not lose his stiff expression and got into a cab to pick him up in silence, protected by the office staff.

The next day, February 1, Kanekika said in a live broadcast on YouTube, “I can’t give out names at this stage because it has not been confirmed yet,” and then said that he was “acquainted” with the suspect and “had absolutely nothing to do with this matter.

Kanekon has now taken to Twitter and YouTube to explain himself in response to the disturbance. on Twitter and YouTube to try to explain himself in response to the disturbance. However, as for his relationship with the specific suspect, he said, “ I knew him.” He has not said anything more than that he was an acquaintance. I don’t know if there is some reason he can’t or doesn’t want to talk about it, but…. I don’t know if there is some reason he can’t or doesn’t want to talk about it…” (reporter)

Kanekon has admitted to his “past crimes” with determination. The two suspects, Watanabe and Fujita, have gone through the backstreets and await their judgment. Will Kanekika ever tell us about his specific connection to the ringleaders?

In a live YouTube video, he tearfully spoke about his upbringing.
  • Photo Takayuki Ogawauchi

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