Surprising Reason” Why “Sounding Girl” Akiko Kuji Leaves Fuji Television | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Surprising Reason” Why “Sounding Girl” Akiko Kuji Leaves Fuji Television

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Akiko Kuji to leave Fuji Television at the end of April

Akiko Kuji is leaving Fuji Television at the end of April. She is the subject of a controversy because she cried a lot during a “fight performance” by the comedy duo Onigoe Tomahawk on the February 26 broadcast of “Sanma’s Comedy Improvement Committee” (Fuji Television Network).

During the recording of the episode commemorating Kuji’s graduation from the program, “Onigoe Tomahawk” was arguing with Kuji, who interceded with the Onigoe Tomahawk.

“Shut up! It won’t hurt a millimeter if you quit Fuji Television!”

As is their style, they hurled merciless words at him. The studio was filled with the sound of Kuji’s shocked cries.

Onikoshi, Sanma, and the other comedians may have been trying to make a joke, but it didn’t work on Kuji. Normally, they would have cut the exchange, but since Mr. Sanma had already spoken about it on the radio before the broadcast, they had no choice but to play it as it was.

In fact, some people on the Internet defended Kuji, saying, “Poor Kuji,” and “Too much.

You’re not an amateur. You shouldn’t cry.

There’s no way I could cry so hard after being teased.

Some people have been very harsh in their opinions.

One Fuji TV insider who saw her in such a state said

“It’s just like Kuji.

He continues with a laugh.

Kuji was a big hit when he joined the company, taking charge of the female announcer’s signature program “Kujipan” in his first year, but he was not well-liked by the station’s upper management. In other words, he was not well-liked by the older generation. He was too serious, to the point that he took the “Onigoe” material too seriously. I guess that’s why the higher-ups at the station thought it wasn’t funny.

I think this way of thinking is outdated, but in part it can’t be helped because it is the higher-ups who make the decisions. They say that the announcing technique is not good enough, but we have a lot of bad announcers (laughs).

It is said that one of the reasons she decided to resign was because she lost the MC of “Mezamashi TV” to her junior, Inoue Seika….

Inoue is so popular with the older generation that even Takaaki Ishibashi has stated that he loves her. Even the upper management is in love with her.

In that sense, there is no other station where the future of female announcers depends on whether or not they are liked by upper management as much as at Fuji…. I hope Kuji-san will become a freelancer and work freely.

Nagisa Watanabe, a junior announcer, made Kuji weep when she got involved with “Onigoe.

Don’t be so scared that you made a female announcer cry once.

He turned it into a laugh with a well-placed shove.

Fuji Television has been developing female announcers who are “old man killers” one after another. We hope Kuji will do well enough to make her old colleagues look up to her.

  • PHOTO Sota Shima

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