Yuji Miyake and Hisahiro Ogura Reflect on 47 Years as the Powerful Duo of “SET”
A Special Talk with Allied Friends

“I found it!”
Despite various troubles, the theater company has continued to this day. Reflecting on the 47 years since their meeting, how do they now view each other’s presence?
Ogura: Personally, I don’t have anything I can praise myself for, but I think there’s one thing I can be proud of. That is, “I found Yuji Miyake!”
Miyake: You say “found,” but it’s not like I went to see various plays. I just happened to be in the first play Ogura saw (laughs).
Ogura: My intuition that “if I follow this person, something will work out” was right.
Miyake: If we’re talking about that, I was the one who chose Ogura from the audition, so I think I was the one who found him.
Ogura: Miyake-san might have forgotten, but I once told him the same thing. Back then, he also said, “What are you talking about? I found you!” and it made me tear up a little.
Miyake: If I hadn’t met Ogura, SET might have disappeared much sooner. I’m really glad he came to our theater. If he had gone to another theater and that theater became successful, I would have been upset (laughs). Well, after 47 years, the guy who couldn’t even speak loudly at first has become an indispensable part of the company.
The two of them will be holding a comedy live show in February 2025 to celebrate Ogura’s 70th birthday, called The Title Match 3. It will be an omnibus of five pieces, one of which will have Ogura playing the role of the tsukkomi (straight man).
Miyake: We’re 73 and 70, so whether we have another live show after this depends on this one.
Ogura: It’s up to Miyake-san (laughs).
After 47 years, the strongest duo continues to pursue the insatiable laughter of their audience.

From the February 7, 2025 issue of “FRIDAY”
PHOTO: Takehiko Kohiyama