Rising Popularity Diane Tsuda “Shut the Fuck Up” Concerns Over Outburst at General User | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Rising Popularity Diane Tsuda “Shut the Fuck Up” Concerns Over Outburst at General User

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Atsuhiro Tsuda (right) and Yusuke (left) of the comedy duo “Diane,” who are becoming nationally known.

“You’re incompetent!”

A video of Atsuhiro Tsuda of the comedy duo “Diane” spouting off against his antagonists is now spreading on the Internet.

Tsuda often live-delivers videos of himself playing a popular online game called “APEX. The game has gained popularity because it allows viewers to see Tsuda in a relaxed state, and it seems that Tsuda also makes good use of the game as a place to show his true self.

The video shows that Tsuda was ego-searching with his smartphone while playing the game. The post reads as follows

“Tsuda is an incompetent leader who uses game distribution to promote the game.

When Tsuda saw that it read

“Shut the fuck up! I’m advertising! Now I’m advertising my show while doing YouTube, that’s better. I’ve already confirmed that. It’s better because it’s more streaming. You’re incompetent, you’ll die a scumbag! Ah~Sukkiri!

He snapped. Tsuda said he would continue to ego-track.

“What? There are so many people who are pissed off! Shut the fuck up! Shut up, piss your pants and go to sleep, you scum!”

and started the game again. Although his snapping is one of Diane Tsuda’s signature moves, the Internet was abuzz.

<I can’t believe she’s a TV personality.

However, there were also voices of criticism and concern on the Internet, such as, “This is not like a person who appears on TV.

If it were an unknown comedian, the comment would have been ignored, but Diane’s popularity is soaring right now. Diane’s popularity is soaring, and her fans do not want her to make a mistake by making a gaffe during this important period.

Diane moved to Tokyo from Osaka in 2006. In Osaka, she has been able to get away with swearing to some extent, but only to the extent of being teased on the stage, so she must be proud of her character. Conversely, he may be naive enough to believe that he will not be flamed for this level of swearing.

It is also true that such swearing is a factor in his popularity. However, if he wants to become even more successful in the future, he may need to change his mindset somewhat. Now that he has his own TV show, he will be required to take social responsibilities such as paying attention to sponsors, so he needs to be careful. I hope he will be careful.

Recently, online slander and libel have become a social problem, and on the 18th, the House of Representatives Legal Affairs Committee passed a bill to amend the Penal Code to make “insulting offenses” more severely punishable, with a majority vote from both the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Kōmeitō Party, among others. The ruling party aims to pass the bill in the current Diet session. The amendment would add imprisonment or imprisonment without work for up to one year and a fine of up to 300,000 yen to the statutory penalty for the crime of insult, which currently consists only of detention and a fine.

The “This case is in the form of a comment back from an anti-talent, so it’s worse for the person who anonymously vilifies the talent. However, my words in response may have been too strong. Since the comment was made at his own home, he may have been relaxed about it, and fans may look forward to the extreme comments, but now he should take into account that the boundary of “where the comment was made” has disappeared.

(A wide-angle official) Although it was originally caused by the user’s ungracious comments, Tsuda may be better off if he does not ego-surf too much. If that causes another round of stress, it would be troubling, but perhaps it would be better for Tsuda to be aware that he should “take his temper tantrums in moderation” before it becomes a major incident…?

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