Masahiro Nakai’s “Gyoten News” was cut entirely… The “sound processing” and bloody “scale adjustment” that made TV professionals in the same business roll their eyes.

MC was removed from a 4-hour program.
The “The World’s Greatest News 4-hour SP” aired on January 7! Sekai Ohten News 4-hour SP” (Nippon Television Network Corporation) aired on January 7, all scenes featuring MC Masahiro Nakai (52) were cut.
About five hours before the broadcast, the station announced
Today’s “The! The World Oyoten News” will be broadcast without Masahiro Nakai’s scenes, based on a comprehensive judgment. We have communicated our decision to Mr. Masahiro Nakai during our conversation with him, and we have received a similar offer from Mr. Nakai himself.
He commented.
Nakai, who until recently was at the top of the entertainment world, has become a “person who should not be on TV. It was reported that he paid a settlement of 90 million yen to a former Fuji Television employee for causing trouble, and no one in the entertainment world has publicly defended Nakai.
Is it possible to erase an MC from a four-hour show? We wondered if there was even a slight oversight, but Nakai’s presence was truly erased. How difficult a task is this? A director in the same industry said, “If I were the director in charge, I would be horrified.
I would be horrified if I were the director in charge.
He was amazed at the technical skill of the director.
Not only the images, but even Mr. Nakai’s voice was not included in the video at all. The editing would have certainly been finished by the time Mr. Nakai’s appearance on the program was postponed due to the news of the turmoil. I think it was a painstaking, blood-soaked process.
Due to the nature of the program, most of the VTRs were viewed in the studio, so they could still be saved. It was like “Ametalk” (TV Asahi) with Hiroyuki Miyasako of the former Ameagari Kesshitai! (TV Asahi), in which Hiroyuki Miyasako, a former member of the AmeTalk!
The “professional skills” of the professionals were used to eliminate Nakai from the program.
Not only the editing work, but also post-production.
The first thing to do is to cut Nakai-san from the opening to the ending, so the length of the program would not be enough at all. There is a limit to how much we can add to the VTR we see in the studio, so I think we had to adjust the length by using episodic talks by guests in the studio. The director of this program used wipes to make comments, so we could not use any part of Mr. Nakai’s voice, and the wipes were turned off in some places during the VTR.
(The same director) “There is a strong possibility that the lively parts in the studio and the witty comments of the performers would have been cut out if Nakai’s voice had been overlaid.
The director must be very frustrated. But it is not only the editing work that is difficult for the director, but also post-production, the process of taking the finished material to a professional editing studio to add the message, etc. Redoing a four-hour program takes an enormous amount of time, more than you can imagine. It is mind-boggling to think how many people had to work all night and for how many days. If it were me, I would have nothing but resentment toward Mr. Nakai, no matter how much he has helped me (laughs).
In the program, there were several shots of the performers, and some parts of the video material were edited and stretched out to make it look rough. The number of times the other MC, Shofukutei Tsurube, who was supposed to be near Nakai, was shown or spoke was extremely small to begin with.
At the end of the program, a digest of the January 21 episode was shown as a “preview” of the next episode, but of course Nakai was not shown. It would have been necessary to cut it out as well.
I wonder how many people were affected by the Nakai fiasco.
There is a possibility that there will be claims for penalties and damages in the future. Nakai caused trouble not only to the staff but also to the performers, and it seems certain that the situation cannot be put away with just the word “trouble. ……