(Page 2) Power Struggle Behind the Termination of the Popular TV Program “Barairo Dandy”? The “creator” producer “leaked a few words”. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Power Struggle Behind the Termination of the Popular TV Program “Barairo Dandy”? The “creator” producer “leaked a few words”.

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The curtain came down after 10 years (from the website)

Program termination” immediately after Mr. A’s departure.

On April 26, Tokyo MX announced that its executive director had been improperly accounting for fictitious production costs charged to suppliers to cover entertainment expenses, and that he had returned approximately 35 million yen to himself between 2015 and 2023.

Although the station is adamant about not revealing the name of the executive director in question, a veteran Tokyo MX staffer assured us that it was “Mr. A.” In fact, after a personnel change in June of this year, the station announced that it would not be able to disclose the name of the executive director. In fact, his name is not on the new management team announced after the personnel changes in June of this year.

An entertainment writer who was acquainted with Mr. A tilted his head and said, “The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is a shareholder in MX.

Mr. A once told a magazine in an interview, “The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is a shareholder in MX, and they won’t allow us to use the cost of alcohol to pay for our programming. In fact, MX also announced that it had decided not to file criminal charges against Mr. A for his entertainment expenses, claiming that “it cannot be said that the expenses were not related to his work. If this is the case, why did they disclose it to the public? Since he was a person of great merit, shouldn’t the matter have been handled privately?

There was a voice among the staff that said, ‘They really didn’t want Mr. A to become president, did they? This was because Mr. A had always said, ‘It is strange that a TV station has an outsider who doesn’t know anything about TV in the upper management. If he became president, there were no doubt more than a few people who would have gotten chills down their necks.”

From here, things took a sharp turn.

At the end of April, the “accounting irregularities” were made public, and at the end of May, Mr. A said his farewells to people inside and outside the company and left MX. A few days later, in June, we staff members were informed of the termination of Baradan. It was truly a shock to our ears. We were stunned to hear that they wanted to reduce Mr. A’s influence so badly. ……” (another program staff member).

Mr. A was kicked out of MX and even lost his own program, “Rose Yellow Dandy. When questioned by the program staff, he simply said, ” I guess there are things like the ‘real Hanzawa Naoki’ ” and left. It is very meaningful.

No one has seen him on TV since then. However, it is hard to believe that one of the industry’s most talented producers would just back off like that. He may be aiming to “double down” in some way.

Incidentally, a woman with no experience in TV production was appointed president of Tokyo MX in June of this year. What kind of programs will be produced by MX in the future, and what will happen to Mr. A’s other legacy, “5 o’clock Mumu! will be in the future?

What will Tokyo MX and Mr. A do in 2025?

  • Interview and text Hisashi Niisa (Broadcaster) PHOTO Jiji Press (Ryo Fukawa)

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