(Page 5) Octopus Sasame, Semi Gyoza, Ageduke: A Look at Beloved Regional Side Dishes | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Octopus Sasame, Semi Gyoza, Ageduke: A Look at Beloved Regional Side Dishes

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Semi Gyoza (Kyoto), a classic beloved in the Kansai region for over fifty years (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
Agetuke (Gifu), praised by Matsuko and saw sales increase by 300 times after being featured on the show (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
Ageduke” (Gifu) was highly praised by Matsuko. After it was introduced on the program, sales increased 300-fold.
Peanut Miso'(Chiba), a common item even in school lunches in Chiba (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
Soboro Natto (Ibaraki), a dish made by mixing small natto beans with chopped dried daikon (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
Rural arare (Mie), which is also eaten as chazuke (rice with green tea) (from “Nihon gochotchi okazu taikon”)
Inaka Arare (Mie), eaten as ochazuke by pouring tea over these lightly salted rice crackers (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
Shio Buri (Gifu, Nagano), sold at Takayama supermarkets from December through New Year’s (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
Author Yoshimi Sugawara (from The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes).
The Great Book of Local Japanese Side Dishes (Written by Yoshimi Sugawara, Published by Tatsumi Publishing).

From “Nihon gochochi okazu dai zen” (Japan’s local side dish compendium), written by Yoshimi Sugawara, published by Tatsumi Shuppan.

  • Interview, text, and photography by Sugawara Daisuke Iwasaki

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