Fans Eager for Revival of ‘UchiP’
The popular variety show “Uchimura Produce” (TV Asahi), which aired from 2000 to 2005, will make a “one-night-only” comeback for the first time in 16 years on September 28 to celebrate the 60th birthday of Mitsuyoshi Uchimura (60) of “UCCHAN NANCHAN. The name of the program is “Celebration! The name of the event is “Celebration of Mitsuyoshi Uchimura’s 60th birthday! Mitsuyoshi Uchimura Kanreki Festival Uchimura Produce Revival SP‼”.
According to TV Asahi, “Revival SP‼” will bring together “comedians who were on Uchi-P” at the time as well as “comedians who watched Uchi-P.” Uchimura made the following comment.
Uchimura commented, “I wonder how rusty everyone’s swords are, including mine, or whether they are still rusty…. Regardless, I’m looking forward to seeing my delightful friends again, and it will be a good memory of my 60th birthday (laughs).”
As of August 20, only four participants have been announced: Uchimura, who was a regular member, “Sammers,” and Fukawa Ryo (50). In the midst of all this, Hiroyuki Ariyoshi (50) is suddenly attracting a lot of attention.
Ariyoshi is “an established celebrity who has had his own TV program on NHK and commercial TV stations,” says a broadcaster, “Ariyoshi owes a great debt of gratitude to ‘Uchi P.'” “Ariyoshi’s re-branding is a big breakthrough for him, “ says the broadcaster.
It is a well-known fact that the key to Ariyoshi’s newfound fame was his ‘tongue-in-cheek’ nickname. (TV Asahi) in 2007. (TV Asahi) in 2007, in which he named Yu Shinagawa (52) of Shinagawa Shoji as “Talkative asshole,” a famous episode that has been passed down in the history of variety shows as the “Talkative asshole incident. It is a famous scene that will remain in the history of variety shows. However, before that episode, Ariyoshi had already had a small breakthrough with “Uchi P.
Initially, Ariyoshi appeared in “Uchi P” as “Saruwaishi. He also appeared as “Monkey Rock” in “Go! (NTV) in 1996, when he became the man of the hour for hitchhiking across the Eurasian continent. In the early 2000s, they were in a “that person is now” state. The duo broke up in 2004, but Ariyoshi continued to appear on the show.
In “Uchi P,” Ariyoshi gained popularity with his “Cat Baron” character. In a program in which he visited the homes of comedians, Ariyoshi dressed up as a character from the Shiki Theatre Company’s musical “CATS” and took a bath in the guest’s home without permission, coming out covered in bubbles and running around the house. In addition to this, Ariyoshi also performed physical stunts such as “eating dirt” and “getting naked” during the show. Currently, Mr. Ariyoshi is in the position of “teasing” young comedians, but in “Uchi P,” he was in the opposite position of “being teased” and “playing the role of a yogorare. In “Uchi P,” he was in the opposite position of a “tease” or “yogorare” role.
At the time, Ariyoshi had very little work and was living off his savings from his heyday. The few programs that paid attention to Ariyoshi, who was such a “rotten comedian,” were “Uchi P.” After Ariyoshi got married, he became less toxic (see ).
Ariyoshi married Miku Natsume (40), a former Nippon TV announcer. They were blessed with a child. Perhaps because he has built a happy family with his beautiful wife, many comedy fans lament that he has lost his former venom. And the Internet is awash with requests for him to appear on “Uchi P.” “I’d love to see Ariyoshi on the show.
I really want Ariyoshi to appear on the show, too. I used to find Ariyoshi the most interesting when he was on this show. Now he’s a big name and he’s on the defensive, but back then he had nothing to lose in terms of fun.
I’d like to see Ariyoshi in his Cats outfit again.
I’d love to see Ariyoshi in his Cats outfit again.
He appeared as a guest at the Kohaku Uta Gassen to support “Dacho Club,” which fed him a lot of food when he was not selling well, and he became a regular on “What’s Wrong with Being a Mockingbird? (TV Asahi), where Ryota Yamasato (47) of “Nankai Candies” is the MC, as well as a guest appearance on the first episode of the show when it became a regular.
Fans’ anticipation for Neko Baron’s surprise appearance on September 28 is only growing.
Photos: Takao Kawakami (1st photo)