Kabuki Actor’s Wife Respects Norika Fujiwara | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Kabuki Actor’s Wife Respects Norika Fujiwara

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Norika Fujiwara and Ainosuke Kataoka are now widely known as the most loving couple in the Kabuki world.

“In my 50s, things have really started to blossom.”

On June 14, actress Norika Fujiwara appeared on the radio show “JUMP UP MELODIES” (Tokyo FM) and shared her current feelings. When host Osamu Suzuki asked her if she has been enjoying herself more since turning 50, Fujiwara responded as mentioned earlier. 

“Norika will star in the stage play ‘Carmen Comes Home’ in August. Directed by Kazuaki Nishikiori, formerly of ‘Shonentai,’ it is a comedy full of singing and dancing. At 53, this will be a physically demanding performance for her. Being the wife of Kabuki actor Ainosuke Kataoka and fulfilling her duties as a ‘Kabuki wife’ makes for a very tough schedule.” (Kabuki magazine editor)

Sensing Fujiwara’s busy schedule, another host, Jin from “THE RAMPAGE,” asked, “With your family and everything else, isn’t it quite challenging?”

“Yes, that’s right. I just have to keep memorizing my lines. I often end up doing it late at night.”

Norika replied,

“Actually, getting about 8 hours of sleep is absolutely essential, but since around the year 2000, I’ve consistently been getting about 3 hours of sleep.”

And, for the past 24 years, I’ve revealed that my average sleep time has been three hours. 

“Norika’s sleep time being three hours makes sense when you observe her daily activities.”

Someone who said that is a venerable figure in the Kabuki world.

“Norika never neglects her duties as a Kabuki actor’s wife, such as greeting and sending invitations to favored acquaintances, and welcoming guests at the Kabuki-za. Despite this, she reportedly told Ainosuke-san, ‘Since I do what I like, I cannot accept support from you.’ I worry about her physical strength, but she always shows a carefree and energetic appearance. Lately, it seems that those around her rely on her more”


People speak highly of Norika’s trustworthiness nowadays. On the other hand, the couple,  Nakamura Shikan and Hiroko Mita, continue to cause a stir. Shikan has been involved in several cheating scandals, and in early May, Mita reportedly confronted Shikan and his mistress at their home, admonishing him to “straighten up!” This has led some media to speculate about the possibility of divorce. However, a Kabuki musician who was once close to them insists that divorce is not on the table. According to this musician,


“Even when they got married in 1991, Shikan (then known as the third generation Nakamura Hashinosuke) was quite notorious for his affairs. He had a mistress in Kyoto at the time, and despite our efforts to convince him to end it before marriage, it wasn’t successful. They would meet in disguise, ensuring they were never alone together in public.


Doing this in Mita’s hometown of Kyoto, rumors inevitably reached her ears. Yet she still chose to be the wife of a Kabuki actor.” 

On June 26th, Mita updated her own social media to report that she enjoyed the musical “Beauty and the Beast.”

“I jumped into the entertainment world dreaming, and now I am involved in supporting roles. Thanks to everyone who supports me, I am happy. Thank you very much.”

Reflecting on her entertainment career and her current role as a Kabuki actor’s wife, she expressed gratitude to her fans. Two days later, on the 28th, she ordered her favorite gyoza set at a restaurant but shared an incident:

“I love gyoza sets so much, but for the first time in my life, I left one piece uneaten. My friends made a big fuss, worrying if it might be a sign of illness!”

And she shared this episode. In response, on social media, comments expressing concern for Mita included: “It might be due to age, but could also be mental stress” and “I think stress might be affecting her stomach.” However, there were also differing opinions.


“It’s typical of Mita-san to be strong. She’s definitely not weak. From the beginning of her marriage, she’s had the attitude of ‘I will do things my way.’ So, many probably feel that she accepts the current situation as inevitable.


However, right now, her most important priority is raising her three sons (the fourth generation Nakamura Hashinosuke, the third generation Nakamura Fukunosuke, and the fourth generation Nakamura Kanenosuke) to become respectable Kabuki actors. Even though all three are adults now, they are still unmarried. Eventually, she will also have the duty to guide the women who will become wives of these three in the Kabuki world. That’s why it’s likely this situation will continue in the future.” (Kabuki industry insider) 


In that case, the venerable figure emphasizes that Kikyou’s presence becomes increasingly important for expanding the Kabuki fan base.


“She has been telling people around her, ‘I will never cause trouble for my husband, and I will perfectly fulfill my duties as a wife.’ She reportedly says, ‘Being this busy suits me.’ She’s truly reliable. Among the wives in the Kabuki world, admiration for her continues to grow day by day.” 


Whether it’s Notika or Mita, despite their long involvement in the entertainment world, the Kabuki world remains unique. I hope they take good care of their health, at least. 

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