Exclusive “Job Interview Video” of Yuya Takahashi, Second Son of Yoshiko Mita, Suspect
Fifth arrest for possession of methamphetamine

Police officer: “ To tell you the truth, you are acting strange.
Yuya: “ I say that you are acting strange! I have only had two drinks. Am I acting strange? (I am perfectly normal. (omission) It is perfectly normal. This has been going on for two and a half hours.”
On October 21, Yuya Takahashi, 42, the second son of actress Yoshiko Mita (81), was arrested on suspicion of violating the Methamphetamine Control Law (possession). This is the fifth time that Takahashi has been arrested in a methamphetamine case.
FRIDAY has obtained the “video of his arrest at work” from September 2006, when he was arrested for the fourth time. The conversation at the beginning of the video is an exchange with a police officer.
On the night of September 10, 2006, Yuya and his mistress got into an argument at a yakiniku restaurant in Shibuya. Yuya was so agitated that the waiter called the police. This video, in which Yuya took a selfie of the shoving and arguing with the police officer who arrived on the scene, was circulated among some concerned parties” (acquaintance of the Takahashi suspect).
The suspect apparently took the video as evidence of the officer’s brutality, but what stood out rather more was his own incoherence. When the officer called for cooperation from the suspect, who would not come out of his car and would not cooperate with the interview
Yuya said, “ I won’t cooperate. Because I don’t like cops! It’s because I hate cops!”
Cop: “ Why do you hate cops?”
Yuya : “ What, what, I hate them somehow.”
His father, a former NHK producer, was also present at the scene, but when the police officers surrounded him to talk to him, he exclaimed, “I’ve just been kidnapped!
Yuya: “ I’m being kidnapped right now! The police won’t let me go home! Dad, dad, let’s go home! Dad, let’s go home!”
Later, the policeman took him to the hospital and tested positive for urine.’ On the morning of September 11, 2006, Takahashi was arrested.
Four years later, he is still unable to get clean, and has been arrested for the fifth time.
I hear that his parents have been supporting Yuya recently, though not as much as before.
Will he be rehabilitated this time?

From the November 11, 2022 issue of FRIDAY
PHOTO.: Takero Yui (2nd)