Yadan reveals “The happiest conversation with Hitoshi Matsumoto in my life
2022 M-1, Road to KOC: "Yadan" [Part 2
–The stage at Sony’s live house “BeachV” is small, isn’t it? How did you get used to a larger stage?
Homma:I guess it was doing a solo show at “Za Koenji” in July this year, where the maximum capacity of BeachV is 70 people, but we expanded the capacity to 250 people. In the end, 100 tickets remained, but I felt a lot of things from playing in such a large place.
I thought that if we played in the front, we wouldn’t be able to see the whole audience because of the wide space, so we tried playing very far back. I was trying various things, and Buffalo Goro A, who was watching me, said, “You don’t have any pressure. He said, “You don’t have any pressure,” and “You can go ahead and do it. I thought to myself, “I see. I learned a lot from Mr. A, such as how to show off.
–The Drifters also came from a small jazz cafe, and at some point, under the advice of director Shigeru Tsukada, they became accustomed to the large stage of the Japan Theatre and performed in “8:00! It is said that this led to the success of “8 O’clock!
Ito: That makes me very happy. That’s true!
Homma: But the last time we rehearsed at the TBS studio, we seemed to be working very far back. This time, the director told us to be more conscious of the front (laughs).
Nakajima: We were not used to the studio.
Ito: Maybe the corona (part of the splash prevention measures) made me back down. There were lines drawn on the stage and bamili (markers indicating where to stand on stage and where to place props, etc.) to tell us not to go any further forward.
Homma:There was also the age factor. When you are young, you are always in the forefront.
After losing in the KOC semifinals, they always quarrel: “I’m screwed.
–Homma:During your activities since 2007, was there ever a time when your motivation dropped or when the trio was in danger of dissolving?
Homma:No, we never broke up (laughs).
Nakajima:I think the fact that none of the three of us have girlfriends is a big factor. Many people quit because of girlfriends, but we are not so popular (laughs).
Ito: There are many reasons, such as family reasons, having a child, and so on.
Homma: We have no reason to quit. (laughs) “What are we going to do? Will it sell? (laughs).
–Homma: When you appeared on Tobiishi Renkyu’s YouTube channel, you said that Mr. Ito complained after losing in the semi-finals of King of Conte.
Homma: That’s right, he was always angry after the semifinals. I didn’t like it anymore. We were in the semifinals all the way from 2016 to 2019, but back then it wasn’t Corona, so all the semifinalists would gather at the venue and the finalists would be announced one by one.
We just watched in amazement as they were being interviewed on stage. (Laughs) It was very frustrating to see them do that right in front of us. I think that’s why Long (Ito) got angry with us as it was.
Ito: It is a bit discouraging to be told, “That’s all,” at the end of the presentation. The presentation was over in about 4 or 50 minutes, and the comedians were leaving in droves. Well, some of them got on the train right away, others went out for a drink. We would look for a place to smoke, and while having a smoke, we would ask them, “What are you going to do? What are you going to do? I would sometimes say things like, “I’m screwed,” “I’m going to be a comedian,” or “It’s too late for me to write a story,” and I would just end up saying hateful things to Homma.
Homma: I would say the same thing to him, and we would argue a lot (bitter laugh).
Nakajima: It was very serious at that time.
Ito: But it didn’t seem to linger. The next day, we would say, “Well, what are you going to do? and things go back to normal. When I look around, there are many cases where people get on bad terms or break up as a result of an award race.
Nakajima: Having three people in the group keeps a good balance. I’m the one who’s goofing off.
Homma:Mr. Nakajima acts as a balancer. That helps.