(Page 3) Yadan reveals “The happiest conversation with Hitoshi Matsumoto in my life | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Yadan reveals “The happiest conversation with Hitoshi Matsumoto in my life

2022 M-1, Road to KOC: "Yadan" [Part 2

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Sony comedians strong in storytelling, Noda-chan at the starting point of the no-no culture.

–I saw the “SMA Tryout Live Silver Eggs” held last month on September 17, and you always give a summary after the live performance. Do you think that the culture of being able to give each other bad advice is a big reason why Sony comedians have become so strong in their stories?

Homma:I think so. At first, we were a group of comedians who had failed at other companies. I think that culture developed because we were all hurt. It was like, “Here, why don’t you do this? Nakajima: Noda-chan and Robin.

Nakajima: I think it started with Noda-chan and Robinfoot Ogusan. They worked together part-time. They talked about their stories all the time, even during their part-time jobs.

Homma:That’s right. I joined them, and well, we talked only about comedy every day. Whenever Noda-chan had an important audition or job, he would show it to Ogusan. Whenever we appeared on “Bakusho On Air Battle” (NHK Sogo) or other programs, we would show them to Ogusan as well.

Somehow this trend spread, and I think we began to share our opinions with each other more and more, saying, “Please watch it live. I think Noda-chan was a big part of that.

–I think Noda-chan’s style is very different from his onstage style.

Ito: He was very stoic about his material.

Homma: He found something amazing. Homma: He found something amazing. He said, “When I ask a comedian about a bad idea, he never lies. Of course, you can give boring advice and make them make mistakes, but when they actually try it and it doesn’t work, it is immediately obvious that “this is boring,” and they lose credibility as comedians.

Comedians want to be thought of as funny, so when they are asked, “How was it? I want to give them good advice, and I want them to think that I am definitely funny. So they say, “It’s best to ask a comedian. They will really think about it. I thought that was really amazing. I thought that was a great discovery.

Robinfoot Ogu’s golden rule: “It annoys me when you guys are funny, but…

–Sony has a number of award finalists, including Baikingu and Hollywood Zakoshisho. Whose words of advice were the most memorable for you?

Homma:The words of Robin Foot Ogusan have always stuck with me. When we were in our 20s, we were going to participate in “On Air Battle,” and we decided to try out our material on BeachV beforehand. At that time, Ogusan came to see us and gave us a lot of advice. In the middle of the launch, he said, “I’m going home,” so I went to see him off.

At that time, Ogusan said to me, “It annoys me a lot when you guys are funny on TV, but it also annoys me a lot when you give advice that is not good, so if it annoys you either way, it’s better to be funny and be annoyed. I thought he was a very honest person. Normally, he would have just said, “I gave you this much advice, so you should be upset,” but instead he said, “I’m upset that you guys are upset,” and that really touched me.

Ito: It’s one thing for him to give us advice, but for me, just having Kotoge-san and Shisho (Hollywood Zakoshisho) laugh at our material makes me feel like “I don’t need any more words. Of course, it is also because of their personalities.

Also, Captain Watanabe looked at our material before the “On Air Battle” and told us, “I can’t give you detailed advice the day before, so all you have to do is your feelings. You have to put your heart and soul into it. When I think about it now, it was completely mental (laughs), but there is no doubt what he said.

Nakajima: I don’t get comedy stories from my seniors, so I guess it’s the words of “Tomita,” which became the number one tsukemen restaurant in Japan with …… tsukemen. Tsuke in Matsudo. noodle shop in Matsudo. I asked him for advice on how to become the best in Japan, and he replied, “Always make an effort to entertain your customers.

He said that even at his ramen shop, he always makes small changes to entertain his customers and keeps brushing up on his skills to get to where he is today. That’s why I’ve been doing this for the past month, trying to entertain them with even one of my stories.

I was moved by his conversation with Hitoshi Matsumoto. That walk home was the happiest day of my life.

–Finally, the King of Conte finals are upon us. I performed with Downtown in a project called “Downtown no Gaki no Tsukasa ya Aahende! (Nippon Television Network Corporation).

Homma: I am looking forward to performing in front of Downtown.

Ito: We won the “SMA Hope Grand Prix” in 2019 ( Sony’s Comedy Contest to determine the No. 1 comedian ), Mr. Matsumoto (Hitoshi) made a surprise appearance at the ending. But he left in a cab rather quickly, so we didn’t have a chance to have a proper conversation.

Homma: But at the “Yama-1” event, I was able to talk with him a little when I went to greet him.

Ito: I was so happy. That Matsuchan turned to us and said a lot of things to us. I was a little too excited to remember the details (laugh), but he was very kind and said, “I think it’s good,” “Do you have another story? (laugh). There were a lot of other comedians there, so we had to move on quickly.

Homma:After that, Matsumoto-san happened to be standing in the restroom just as we were leaving the dressing room. So we talked in the hallway before the elevator.

Ito: There, he said to me again, “Hang in there,” and “Yeah, that’s good, isn’t it?

Homma: For my part, I was happy that he was talking about his art. I was really moved to think that they were looking at us as fellow comedians.

Ito: I was probably the happiest I’ve ever been in my life on that walk home. I was happy that I could talk with Downtown-san behind the scenes. Not with the program performers or anything like that.

Homma:Yes, we talked as comedians, not as celebrities and fans. In that sense, too, I want to leave a positive result in front of Mr. Downtown.

Part 1: How Yadan, a talented contortionist, won the KOC final in his 15th appearance.

  • Interview and text Asahi Suzuki

    Freelance editor/writer. Former band member, former broadcaster. Loves all kinds of entertainment. Published "Shimura Ken Theory" (Asahi Shinbun Publishing) in April 2021. Currently updating his personal website, "Immortal Writing Blues. http://s-akira.jp/

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