Produced by “Taro Jailbait”! What’s inside the “Ninkyo Hotel” that is too realistic!
Mr. Taro Jogyo, a famous V-tuber with a unique career as a former yakuza with three criminal records and more than 420,000 registered users, has produced a love hotel in Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture. This reporter checked into the hotel, which is overflowing with the kind of attention to detail that only a man who knows the real thing can offer.
When you open the door, you will see a desk and a pipe chair for interrogation. In another room, there is a huge sign that reads “Ninkyo-do” (chivalry). In another room, there are iron bars just like in a prison. ……
While the number of love hotels with various elaborate designs is increasing, an overly realistic concept love hotel will be opened in the mountains of Gotemba, Shizuoka, on August 10.
The name of the love hotel, which faithfully recreates a yakuza clan office and a prison, is “Ninkyo Hotel. The name of the love hotel is “Ninkyo Hotel,” and it is run by the “HOTEL555 The hotel will be built in the hotel “Kakureya” run by the “HOTEL555 Group”.
The hotel was produced by the famous “V-tuber” Taro Joken, who boasts of having over 420,000 registered users.
He said, “I have an acquaintance at the hotel management company, and he asked me, ‘How about a collaboration with a love hotel?’ I was asked by the hotel management company, ‘How about collaborating with a love hotel? Since I am a V-tuber under the name of ‘Taro Jogyo,’ I almost never receive offers for so-called corporate projects. In such a situation, “The Hidden House” said they would like to work with me. I thought that in order to attract customers, it would be a good idea to make a room that youtubers and influencers would want to use for filming, so I produced this hotel.
Mr. Shonin has the unique background of being a former yakuza with three criminal convictions. The “Ninkyo Hotel” will have a total of eight rooms, including a “gang leader’s private room,” “Miss’s room,” “prison,” and “gang office (modern style and orthodox),” and inside the hotel, there are many details that only Mr. Jomu, who knows the real thing, could have created.
For example, when you order a meal in the prison room, it is delivered to you through a small serving window at the bottom of the wall, just like in a real prison. In the gang office rooms, there are wooden tags with the names of the gang members, and we paid close attention to the titles and the order in which they are written. If the order were to be mistaken in a real yakuza office, it would be a disaster. The boss’s room is equipped with a sauna. In many places, you are not allowed to enter the sauna if you have tattoos, but here it is OK.
The cheapest room at the “Hidden House & Chivalry Hotel” costs from 8,900 yen (*on weekdays, from 6,900 yen for a five-hour break). Rest is from 6,900 yen for 5 hours). If you are looking for a different kind of stimulation, why not come to Gotemba?
Photo: Shinji Hamasaki