Mr. Mochizuki’s activities as a reporter have been made into movies and dramas.Mochizuki: What is also dangerous about Mr. Kan is that, as was the case with Mr. Kurokawa, he is too explicit in his arbitrary awards of merit by the bureaucrats. For example, when an arrest warrant was issued for former TBS Washington Bureau Chief Yamaguchi Noriyuki for the alleged semi-rape of Ito Shiori, it is said that it was Nakamura Tadasu, Kan’s former secretary and then head of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Bureau, who stayed the execution of the warrant.It is so well known that Mr. Yamaguchi has close relations with Prime Minister Abe, whom he has brought up in his book “Prime Minister”. Perhaps in recognition of his role in stopping the arrest of Mr. Yamaguchi, Mr. Nakamura rose to the position of Commissioner of the National Police Agency. Moreover, Mr. Nakamura’s appointment as Commissioner of the National Police Agency was announced just in time for Mr. Kan to step down as prime minister. It is suspected that he made the appointment privately because he could not do so after Prime Minister Fumio Kishida took over. Samejima: This is the same situation as when Nobuhisa Sagawa, then Director General of the Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, was promoted to Commissioner of the National Tax Agency after falsifying a sanctioned document to defend Prime Minister Abe’s statement “If my wife and I were involved, I would quit as prime minister and Diet member” in the Moritomo Gakuen national land disposal issue. Mochizuki: In the first place, I heard that Mr. Nakamura of the police department made the excuse that he did not know whether he could prosecute the case, but a senior prosecutor I know criticized him, saying, “That is not for the police to decide, but for us to decide. The police arrest people because they are strongly suspected of semi-rape, but whether or not they conduct a mandatory investigation makes a huge difference in the evidentiary materials and testimony.” After all, in an off-the-record meeting with reporters, Nakamura said, “Arresting the head of the press club without knowing the likelihood of prosecuting him could be called suppression of speech. That’s why I didn’t go ahead with the arrest.” “I would have made the same decision if an arrest warrant had been issued for you (press club members),” Nakamura was said to have said. Can any citizen of a country under the rule of law understand this logic? If he really believes this, I would like him to say it out loud and proudly to the public at a press conference, instead of keeping it off the record. Samejima: So you are saying that only the senior citizens, including political journalists, will be protected. This is the worst kind of logic that leads to distrust of politics. Mochizuki In the end, Ms. Shiori Ito had no choice but to struggle on her own, and before she knew it, foreign media such as the BBC and the New York Times were increasingly critical of her, calling her “Japan’s dark side” and “a black box”. This is the truth behind “The Japanese Journalism”. Samejima: It is truly shameful. *In the “Third Dialogue,” to be delivered on July 6 at 2:00 p.m., we will discuss the ideal form of political reporting from now on.