Tribute to Takuro Morinaga: A Life of Passion to the Very End
If the Prime Minister is a good person, it becomes difficult
“I was watching the leadership election with an 85% certainty that Sanae Takaichi (63) would be chosen, but there must have been people who absolutely couldn’t accept a Takaichi administration. With Ishiba becoming Prime Minister, the arrival of the Reiwa Depression is inevitable. Among the nine candidates in the leadership race, Ishiba was the most accepting of tax increases. Since he is not an expert in economics, he has been completely brainwashed by the Ministry of Finance. Major tax hikes and cuts to social security are certain.
On the evening of Friday, September 27, 2024, right after the new party leader was chosen, I predicted a stock market crash on Monday, and that’s exactly what happened. Moving forward, the consumption tax will head toward 15%, Japan’s stock market bubble will burst, and the Nikkei average will drop into the 10,000s within the year, eventually falling to the 3,000s. The variable interest rate on housing loans will undoubtedly rise by at least 0.15%, which means even citizens who don’t invest in stocks will be significantly affected.”
Despite this grim forecast, I do feel a certain sense of kinship with Prime Minister Ishiba, as we are the same age.
“Ishiba, like me, is an otaku. He has no friends and finds the greatest happiness in beautifully crafting models of warships, fighter jets, and trains. He used to frequent the same model shops in Akihabara that I did, so I completely understand his true otaku mindset. Otaku are never bad people. Ishiba is a good person who listens to those around him. However, that very quality makes it difficult for him to demonstrate strong leadership as Prime Minister.”
Morinaga, who gained popularity as an economist for the common people, left his final warning to the Japanese public:
“Selling Japanese stocks is the only choice. I want to reduce the number of people who find themselves destitute in old age, even if just by one. With little time left in my life, I see this as my final mission.”
Though he said he would leave nothing behind, he never stopped collecting until the very end. “If you hadn’t done such foolish things, we would have had a comfortable retirement.” his wife sighed. But without a doubt, he lived a life richer than anyone else. May he rest in peace.