In addition to Masahiro Nakai’s “Cancellation tactics”…Famous celebrities also use the “Forced Alone-Together” method in the entertainment industry.
At the end of 2012, “Josei Seven” and “Shukan Bunshun” reported on Masahiro Nakai’s trouble with women. The “canceling the show just the two of them” strategy, which was reportedly orchestrated by Fuji Television’s programming executives, caused a stir among the public.
The problem began at a drinking party set up by Fuji Television executives. Initially, Xko, a woman in the entertainment industry, had planned to have dinner with Nakai and several other people, including Mr. A, a Fuji Television executive. However, on the day of the meeting, Mr. A suddenly announced that he had to cancel the meeting, and as a result, Xko and Nakai were left alone.
Mr. A, however, suddenly announced his cancellation on the day of the dinner, and as a result, Ms. Xako and Mr. Nakai were left alone together. And when the other party is a big-name celebrity like Mr. Nakai, one cannot help but suspect that Mr. Nakai was aware of the situation and intentionally left the two alone together. Therefore, it is not surprising that the “cancellation” may have been planned and orchestrated.
It is not clear what happened during the dinner. However, settlement negotiations were later conducted between the two parties, and Nakai is said to have paid Ms. Xko 90 million yen as a settlement.
Nakai’s case may not be a mere coincidence, but rather an example of the “two-person strategy” that has taken root in the entertainment industry and has been repeated in different forms. One of the most prominent examples is the “Group K” method, which is centered on famous celebrities.
Alone with an idol in a closed room
K was famous for his fondness for idols, and he had a history of relationships with several female celebrities. His uninhibited nature was a well-known story in the entertainment industry at the time.
In the beginning, he mainly picked up girls, but as the years went by, his playful ways gradually became more planned. Behind the glamorous entertainment activities on the surface, there were more and more scenes of targeted “crimes” being committed. One of the methods the group is said to have used is the “secret room droning method,” in which people are gradually removed from the room to create a state of seclusion. One day, a popular young idol, Ako, was confronted with a terrifying incident that brought this method into sharp relief.
A veteran entertainment production executive reveals.
Ako was invited to K’s drinking party by a senior female talent whom she trusted. She tried to refuse at one point, but was told, ‘Just show up,’ so she had no choice but to attend. We are told that nearly 10 people, mostly members of Group K, gathered at the first meeting, and the atmosphere was one of enjoying a lively meal. However, the atmosphere changed at the after-party karaoke session. Before the after-party, more than half of the participants left one after another for work or other reasons. In the end, only four people attended the party: K, the leader of the group, the junior talent, the senior female talent, and Ms. Ako.
After a while after the karaoke started, the junior talent said, “I’m going to make a phone call,” and left the venue. The senior female talent then left the room, saying that she had been called by her boyfriend. After that, neither of them came back, and in the end, only the leader, K, and Ms. A were left.
She said, “This was a technique that Group K often used. At first, a group of people would gather together to create a sense of security, but then people would gradually leave the group, and then they would “dron” off to create a situation where they would finally be alone with the person they had targeted. It was as if the whole thing had been planned and arranged.
He confessed to her by hugging her shoulders and offered to drive her home. ……
At a karaoke bar where it was just the two of them, K is said to have made a sudden approach to Ako. A senior entertainment executive continues.
K sat down next to Ako and suddenly said things like, ‘I like you,’ and ‘Let’s go out. The fact that someone more than a year older than her and completely uninterested in her had done such a thing and then hugged her on the shoulder made Ako feel fearful and she ran out of the karaoke room crying.
Later, as she was walking to the station, K chased after her in his car.
“K said, ‘I’m sorry. K called to her several times, saying, ‘Get in the car and I’ll take you home,’ but she ignored him and fled the scene. I was too scared to get in the car. In the end, she called her mother to come and pick her up.
What was most shocking to Ms. Ako was the possibility that a senior female celebrity she trusted may have been complicit in this scheme. Although the members of Group K have since continued to be active in the entertainment industry, the events of that night have left an indelible mark on Ms. Ako.
The senior female talent who invited Ako may have known K’s intentions from the beginning. The female talent was in a relationship with one of the group members. K’s “public face” was cheerful and friendly, and he was very popular among the public. However, Ako was shocked to find out that he had been acting in such a premeditated manner behind the scenes.
Masahiro Nakai’s “canceling a date and leaving the two of them alone strategy” and Group K’s “droning on in a closed room strategy”. Both of these events are symbolic of the unspoken rules that have taken root in the entertainment industry.
These problems have become more deeply rooted as a result of the neglect of the structure in which young talent and those in the entertainment industry are preyed upon by popular celebrities. If this structure is not changed, the same problems will continue to repeat themselves in different forms. It is time for the entertainment industry as a whole to take responsibility and engage in fundamental reform.
PHOTO: Shinji Hasuo