NPB’s anger not subsiding…Fuji TV may be banned from broadcasting professional baseball tryouts and MVP award ceremony. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

NPB’s anger not subsiding…Fuji TV may be banned from broadcasting professional baseball tryouts and MVP award ceremony.

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Fuji TV unable to cover this year’s Japan Series due to NPB’s anger

This is not the only punishment for Fuji Television.

The troubles between Fuji Television Network and the Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) are not going to stop, but are likely to get bigger and bigger.

On October 30, a general newspaper reported that the NPB had confiscated passes from Fuji Television to cover the Japan Series. According to the article, Fuji Television acquired the exclusive rights to broadcast the MLB (Major League Baseball) World Series “Dodgers-Yankees. It broadcast the game live in the morning (Japan Standard Time), but also broadcast a digest program during the live broadcast of the Japan Series between DeNA and SoftBank on the same night. The NPB was outraged by this, and recalled Fuji TV’s pass for coverage of the Japan Series. The NPB was so outraged by this that it recalled Fuji TV’s pass for coverage of the Japan Series and effectively banned it from the broadcast.

The NPB was furious that Fuji Television had to air a rerun-like program during the same time slot as the Japan Series, the most popular content in Japan’s professional baseball broadcasts,” said NPB spokesman Katsunori Kato. The executives felt that Fuji Television was trying to pick a fight with the NPB. In retaliation, they decided to ban Fuji TV from the Japan Series.

However, it seems that this was not the end of the story.

The NPB’s anger has not abated, but has only grown stronger. It is whispered that the ban will not last only for the Japan Series, but will continue until the next season. Fuji Television plans to broadcast the “Joint Tryouts for 12 Professional Baseball Teams” on November 14 live on its pay channel. However, as with the Japan Series, the tryouts are hosted by the NPB, not the teams, and there are reports that the passes for these tryouts have also been confiscated, so it is unclear whether they will be televised as scheduled.

The “joint tryout” is an opportunity for players who have been suspended by the 12 major professional baseball teams and wish to continue their careers with other teams to show their abilities. The event has been held under the auspices of the NPB since 2001. If a player catches the eye of another team, he or she will have a chance to continue playing for another team, so this is the last chance for players who have been pushed to the brink to survive. The story of not only the players, but also their families, is also a part of the event, and there are even programs that focus on this part of the story.

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