A reporter of this magazine tried her hand at “dating” an “elite papa-katsu-girl” and was inundated with offers even with a “high allowance.

In the last issue of “Why I Started Papa’s Life”, we interviewed Ms. A (27), an elite papa’s active girl who has excellent appearance and communication skills . In order to get a closer look at her true charm, we had to find out what kind of dates she actually goes on. I actually asked her for a “date. When I contacted her on the exchanged LINE, she readily agreed.
Click here for the first part: “Why I Started Papa’s Life” by an elite female papa’s active partner who earns over 1 million yen a month and pays taxes .
The biggest difference between her and the women who are often found on the “Papa Katsudo” app is her “consciousness. In dating clubs, if a male member is late or has a bad attitude, he is reported to the club, and the club staff informs him that such a case has been reported when he is appointed by another man. Perhaps because of this, her response to my LINE contact before making plans was very good.
To begin with, young women do not respond immediately very often. I hear that women met on the Papa Katsudo App are especially slow to respond. One of the men I interviewed once told me this story.
He said, “It’s not unusual for a woman to reply two or three days after confirming her schedule. It is also common for them to change their schedule or cancel their appointments. No matter how much you build a relationship with them, you can never be sure that you will see them until they show up on the day of the meeting.
At first, I was surprised to receive a reply to my LINE within at least half a day, but then I felt reassured that I would definitely be able to meet the girl on the appointed day.
According to those we have interviewed who have experience in papa-katsu, papa-katsu is like a pseudo-love affair involving money. Her quick response is probably due to the fact that there is an allowance involved, but it still makes her feel good. This may be part of the high allowance.
The day before the appointment, I contacted her and said, “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. I had been advised by a veteran papa-active man that women on papa-active apps cancel appointments without hesitation, so it is better to confirm the day before the appointment. She replied immediately, “I was just about to contact you,” to my surprise. She had intended to contact him herself to confirm the day before. It was a polite response that made me think that the date had already started before we met.
On the day of our “date,” she contacted me immediately after work to say that she would arrive on time, and she was waiting for me in the restaurant ahead of me.