The shocking reason why the tips of fingers and calfskin were cut off and lost both legs… “Legless pigeons” are massively growing in Nagoya, Japan “Fearful reality” photo | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The shocking reason why the tips of fingers and calfskin were cut off and lost both legs… “Legless pigeons” are massively growing in Nagoya, Japan “Fearful reality” photo

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Why such an anomaly?

A pigeon without both legs (left) at Oasis 21, a multi-story park. Unable to walk, it had to flap its wings to move, even over short distances. ……

This is terrible. I’ve seen them lose a toe every once in a while. ……”

The owner of a nearby pet store, Asai Bird and Animal Shop, was speechless. When he visited a park in the center of Nagoya City after hearing about the large number of “toeless pigeons,” he found that a whopping one-third of the 15 pigeons there had abnormalities in their feet, including pigeons with missing toes and the tips of their cocoons (see photo below).

A woman who was nearby feeding them bean snacks said,

A woman who was feeding the pigeons nearby said, “I have been coming here to feed them from time to time since I found a pigeon with no legs earlier this year. Since they have no fingers, they can’t perch on telegraph poles or round posts, so I take pity on them when they perch on the rectangular steel frame of the facilities in the park. ……

He sighed. What is the cause?

It is possible that rice grains are the cause. Some people in the area are spreading rice grains as bait. Since rice grains are sticky, stringed vinyl and human hair adhere to them.

When these become entangled in the ankles and toes, they eventually become necrotic and shredded because the pigeons cannot untangle themselves. When they lose their legs, they cannot perch on branches and have no choice but to roost in bushes and other places. The risk of being attacked by stray cats also increases,” says Kazuhiko Ogawa of the Nagoya City Bird Observation Center.

Is it possible that excessive affection is having an adverse effect on them?

A pigeon with only one finger left and a pigeon with a swollen kakato. Near the sea, a pigeon with a finger cut off due to tangled hair was also seen
The right foot was missing the tip of the cupped foot, and the left foot had the toes and other parts of the cupped foot shredded into pieces, with hair entangled in them.
Never before published in this magazine The astonishing reason for the large number of “legless pigeons” 《from Nagoya》.
Unpublished photograph: The astonishing reason for the large number of “legless pigeons” (from Nagoya)
Unpublished Cuttings from the magazine The Astonishing Reason for the Outbreak of “Legless Pigeons” 《From Nagoya》 《Nagoya

From the December 22, 2023 issue of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO. Tomoyuki Hanai

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