Former employee of very well-known company sexually assaulted…arrested in 3-year-old case “for a surprising reason” | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Former employee of very well-known company sexually assaulted…arrested in 3-year-old case “for a surprising reason”

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Suspect Takahashi arrested.

Had the man been targeting women for some time? He entered a room through an unlocked door late at night when it was deserted. He sexually assaulted the sleeping woman.

On November 8, the Tama Police Station of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police arrested Kenshi Takahashi, 29, a former company employee living in Iiyama-Minami, Atsugi City, on suspicion of forcible sexual intercourse and breaking and entering. The woman was allegedly injured after Takahashi left the house. After the suspect left, the woman contacted the security company she had contracted with. The police were investigating.

This is not the only time Takahashi has indecently assaulted a woman. On June 7 of this year, he also committed an incident. After midnight, Takahashi followed a female office worker in her 20s on her way home. When the woman opened the front door of her house and tried to enter, he forced his way in. He then groped her lower half of her body and engaged in other sexual acts.

The woman immediately called for help from nearby residents. Takahashi escaped, but the incident was discovered through security camera footage, and he was arrested on August 31. When questioned by the police, the suspect admitted to the charges, saying, ‘There is no doubt about it.

Name of the company the suspect worked for

Arrested Takahashi (photo has been partially doctored)

In both cases, Takahashi and the women did not know each other. Takahashi was also an employee of a very well-known company.

Isetan Mitsukoshi, a major department store. Takahashi resigned from the company in October following his arrest in August. He had already been indicted and was scheduled to go on trial for the first time in November.

This time, Takahashi was also caught in an incident three years ago. Why was he arrested just before the trial was to begin? Former Kanagawa Prefectural Police detective and crime journalist Taihei Ogawa explains.

It would take time and effort to arrest, prosecute, and try each case one by one. If there are additional crimes, it is faster to have the suspects confess and be tried together. The charges against the suspects will also be relatively lighter than if they were tried individually.

In this case, however, the suspect probably hid the extra charges. As the investigation proceeded, an incident from three years ago came to light. The police may have thought they could arrest him before his first trial and proceed with the two cases together.”

There is no end to the crimes of breaking into women’s homes and committing sexual assault and indecent acts. Are there any countermeasures? Mr. Ogawa continues.

“We need to be especially careful when we go home late at night when there is not a soul around. Women should avoid stopping at convenience stores from the nearest station. Buying lunch boxes and drinks weighs down their luggage, so they tend to use convenience stores near their homes. It is like showing a criminal who is looking for women that “my house is just around the corner.

Turning on the lights after entering a room should also be avoided. In many cases, criminals follow women to confirm the apartment they live in. If the lights are turned on a short time after entering the entrance, they will know where the room is and that she lives alone. Set your lights on a timer, for example, so that they are on before you get home.”

In the Tama area of Kanagawa Prefecture, there have been many cases of women being followed on their way home over the past several years. The police are investigating the suspect Takahashi for more crimes.

Arrested Takahashi suspect (photo has been partially altered)
Arrested Takahashi suspect (photo has been doctored)
Arrested Takahashi suspect (photo has been doctored)
  • Photo by Shinji Hasuo

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