Audio data obtained! Former Unification Church President Tanaka makes shocking confession at “internal meeting
On August 19, the former Unification Church held a "special network conference" for public officials nationwide. President Tanaka made a series of startling revelations about the reality of the psychic business method, his involvement with the Yamagami family, and other internal matters.
He said, “It is no use talking nicely on this occasion, so I would like to say some things in a way that will be understood by everyone. If there are any gaffes or outbursts, I will hold Director Sawada responsible for them (laughs), and I would like to spend some time talking to you all.
(Laughs) I would like to spend some time talking to you all.” Tomihiro Tanaka, 66, former president of the Unification Church, was urged by Takuya Sawada, director of the General Affairs Bureau, who acted as moderator, to make an appearance and began his remarks. Unlike his two previous press conferences (July 11 and August 10), Tanaka’s speech was full of emotion.
On August 19, 40 days after the shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (hereafter, the former Unification Church) held a “Special Net Conference” for public officials nationwide. This magazine obtained the audio data exclusively.
The “public officials” were the on-site manager class of the denomination’s branches located throughout Japan, and the general congregation was not allowed to view this meeting. The purpose of this online meeting was for the head of the head office to answer the questions and points of view of the congregation, which had been absorbed from the field beforehand. The congregation members frankly raised questions about the issues of the psychic business and donations. However, the answers given by the executives of the head office to these questions were mostly vague. From the point of view of the believers, who were looking forward to a change in the organization, the content of the answers was far from satisfactory.
President Tomihiro Tanaka, 66, appeared as the grand finale of the one-hour and 20-minute conference. At the press conference, the chairman had been stating the denomination’s claims in a voluminous manner, but at the conference for his own people, he revealed his “true feelings” one after another in a surprising manner.
First of all, he expressed strong caution about the existence of the “Liaison Conference of Ministries and Agencies Related to the Former Unification Church Issue,” which was launched by the government in August.
The first thing that alarmed them was the existence of the “Liaison Conference of Ministries and Agencies Related to the Former Unification Church Problem,” which was set up by the government in August. I feel that the fact that the government is preparing something like this is an unprecedented crisis that the church has never faced before. If I were an opposing lawyer, I would have all the damages that are being collected now, all the damages that are being collected now, all the damages that are being collected now, all the damages that are being collected now, I would have them all rush into this liaison council in September. Then, I would take up the issues that are really problematic from the consultations that are coming in from all over Japan and have them presented.
I don’t think the people who are requesting refunds from us are the ones who are the ones who don’t have a problem. It is rude to say that there is no problem, but we can still deal with them. But those who ran straight to the damage attorney’s office without facing us from the beginning, we are not even aware of them. We don’t know what kind of problems will erupt. If we don’t have that level of tension-running crisis awareness all the way to the end, we really don’t know where Satan will come in.”
The next topic the chairman addressed was the issue of “psychic sales,” a subject that has drawn strong criticism from the public.
At the second press conference, I said, ‘Our organization did not and still does not engage in psychic sales. I received several letters from shocked members of the church who said, ‘I did it,’ ‘I did it,’ ‘I did it right,’ ‘I did it right,’ ‘I did it right. There were messages saying, ‘I was doing it,’ and ‘You were doing it right, weren’t you?
In response to these questions, the chairman revealed the situation facing the cult.
In response to these questions, the president revealed the situation of the church. “It is admitted (in court) that the so-called psychic business was conducted by the believers, and they lost the lawsuit. However, it has been our consistent assertion, and has been maintained in court, that the “church itself” does not engage in psychic sales. If I were to say, “The Church has been practicing psychic sales,” the entire case would be overturned. It is that big a deal.
If I were asked if the corporation had engaged in psychic sales itself, I could only say, ‘No, we did not. However, through the excessive behavior of the believers, their talks, and various other things, there are people who have sensed what they consider to be damage, and we must be sincere in dealing with that.
In his 30-minute speech, Chairman Tanaka candidly expressed his feelings. During his speech, he made a shocking confession about the psychic business, which seemed to contradict his statement at the press conference, and also gave an important testimony about his involvement with the Yamagami family.
The September 16 issue of “FRIDAY” further details the contents of the “Internet meeting for believers.
Images (1-6): Screenshots of the "online meeting" taken by a believer