Sasha and his own car with a handwritten red cross symbol (image courtesy of Sasha)Three months have passed since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. The Russian army has been struggling in many areas due to unexpected counterattacks.Perhaps the biggest miscalculation for President Vladimir Putin was the withdrawal from the capital city of Kyiv, which he initially assumed he would be able to control in a few days. There is a small village that has halted the advance of Russian troops. It is Demydiv, about 40 km north of Kyiv. In order to stop the Russians, the Ukrainian army resorted to a bizarre maneuver by breaching the embankment of a dam near the village and releasing a large volume of water. The surrounding countryside became a quagmire, and many homes were submerged. This made it impossible for Russian tanks and supply convoy vehicles to advance.
Sasha, a resident of Demydiv, describes the suffering and reality of the residents.
“This village is located on the shortest route for the Russian army to Kyiv. We deliberately broke the dike and flooded this village to protect Kyiv from the Russians. On the other hand, the damage was severe. In some places, the water level was up to 2 meters high. Of the approximately 750 houses in the village, about 70 were damaged by the flood.”
Rolling up his pants in front of the bridge
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