#2 of the images Shocking News of Massive Outbreak of Kyon Reported on TV | FRIDAY DIGITAL

He owns the unpopular roadWhy does such a kyon have the numbers?When I asked the director, he gave me this answer.  Kyon has origin and end. What do you mean by “Kyon has an origin and an end”? Let’s look at them one by one. First, there is the “upshot,” which is “to draw viewers in by asking local people where they have seen the annoying animal Kyon and what kind of damage it has caused, and then conducting a big search” (director of a commercial TV station). The staff actually finds Kyon at the scene. “Then Kyon makes a cry, a loud cry that has never been heard before,” says the director of a commercial TV station. It’s quite an impactful image. This is what is known in TV industry jargon as a “strong picture,” and it keeps the viewer from changing the channel. In “Tensei,” the author also delves into the background of why kyons have been appearing in large numbers. Kyons are said to have escaped from a zoo in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture, more than 20 years ago and have become wild. The “conclusion” awaits us when we learn that there were selfish human circumstances behind the mass outbreak.” One of the solutions is to “eat the kyon deliciously.” Incidentally, Kyon meat has no odor and is very tender, so it is said to be excellent when made into kyonkatsu, not pork cutlets.

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Shocking News of Massive Outbreak of Kyon Reported on TV


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