Matsujun, Takahata, Kuroki Hana… “Convincing Background” for this season’s winter dramas, which have all failed miserably. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Matsujun, Takahata, Kuroki Hana… “Convincing Background” for this season’s winter dramas, which have all failed miserably.

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Matsumoto Jun and Sonin, who filmed many scenes of them going into a building during the filming of “My Neighbor’s Chikara.

Mar. 31 Jun Matsumoto on the day ( 38 With the drama “My Neighbor’s Chikara” (TV Asahi), all winter dramas in the Golden Belt have finished airing. In keeping with recent trends, this season’s lineup included a wide variety of dramas, including romances, mysteries, work-related dramas, and hard-boiled dramas.

We therefore conducted a comprehensive interview to find out how the drama series of this season were viewed by reporters, writers and editors specializing in the entertainment field. Surprisingly, the most common responses were It’s not. Many of them said, “There was a lot of casting.

Kaya Kiyohara, Mitsuki Takahata, Jun Matsumoto, Hana Kuroki …… Dramas starring people who are considered acting stars failed to reach double digits in viewer ratings across the board. The impression I got from watching these dramas was that the roles or works that you would be suited for are not the ones that you are looking for. This season had a lot of up-and-coming young talents in leading roles, so it is a bit of a disappointment when the season is over.

So why on earth would you want to It isn’t. Why was casting mass-produced? We also asked what the journalists think the reasons are.

The love story “Fight Song” ( TBS Kaya Kiyohara ( 20 ). She has been a member of the NHK or movies. I had thought that he would continue to sell his products along those lines, but here he is, appearing in a trendy drama in the prime time slot. NHK Perhaps the starring role in the morning drama has increased her name recognition, and the agency has become greedy in its desire to move her into the mainstream.

In reality, however, many said they did not want to see a trendy kissing scene with her noble impression. I would like her to leave such works to other actresses who are better suited to romantic works and stick to the high image that only Ms. Kiyohara has,” said an interview writer.

Why Takahata was not sympathized with by her supporters

Kaya Kiyohara walks in a colorful coat through Yokohama Chinatown during the filming of “Fight Song.

Also, Mitsuki Takahata ( 30 (Much Ado About Nothing!), which starred in the film Much Ado About Nothing! (NTV) is a series about a young man who becomes the president of a company. …… .

At first glance, this drama was a work comedy, and at first glance it seemed like a good fit for Takahata, who is also highly regarded as a comedienne. But when I opened the door, I found her to be a convenient character, who is only embarrassed by her constant failures, but somehow manages to make things work out with the support of two handsome men. The female viewers, who are also Ms. Takahata’s supporters, did not sympathize with her. I think this was a problem with the script rather than a fault of Mr. Takahata’s.

Ms. Hana Kuroki ( 32 The same is true for the ‘Gossip. In “#The Real Zero She Wants to Know” (Fuji TV), she played an online news reporter, but the story was dark and the character of Rinko Seko, played by Ms. Kuroki, was expressionless all the time, as she is not good at expressing her emotions. Ms. Kuroki is an actress who excels in exquisite emotional expression, and I can’t believe that her best charms are locked away. It was a waste of time and money.

On the other hand, the following analysis of Matsumoto Jun was heard.

As for the drama “My Neighbor’s Chikara,” starring Matsumoto Jun, I just think it’s a great drama. It wasn’t. This is my impression. It attracted attention because it teamed up with that outlandish scriptwriter Kazuhiko Youkawa, but the result was an average rating of9.16 The result was not a success. Although Matsumoto-san is an idol and has been highly regarded for his high acting ability, in fact, all of his films that have been hits have been light entertainment productions. The “Boys Over Flowers” series, “99.9 -The “Criminal Lawyer” series is no exception.

But Mr. Matsumoto will be the first to be featured in next year’s NHK He is set to play the lead role in the historical drama “What to Do, Ieyasu. No matter how good his track record is in entertainment productions, will he be able to handle the lead role in a hard-hitting historical drama? Many people say, “What is this? I think that is why they wanted to show that they can do this kind of work by teaming up with Mr. Youkawa, who is a great scriptwriter.

Personally, I think he played a good middle-aged man with a good personality and properly removed his aura, but what I would rather see is Matsujun with his flamboyance in an entertainment film. If possible, I’d like to see Taiga go that route as well.” (Another interview writer)

is not This is only a sign that he has taken on a new role. In “My Housekeeper Nagisa-san” ( 20 Year TBS ), where he broke new ground by playing the role of a middle-aged housekeeper, a departure from his hard-edged image. 50 (Japanese only). Also this season, the is not. Masaki Sugata (Fuji TV) in the hit “Mystery and Not to Mention” (Fuji TV), despite being called a 29 As we can see, for example, in the It isn’t. If successful, the challenge will bring us much enjoyment.

We look forward to seeing more “not” challenges from the actors in the future.

Mitsuki Takahata, photographed with her new Louis Vuitton bag, perhaps for a fashion-related job, in May 2007.
Kuroki Hana is a rough but fashionable woman in everyday clothes. A white T-shirt and a brightly colored skirt suit her well.
Sonin (left) and Matsujun take a break between takes.
Kiyohara walks in a colorful coat through Yokohama Chinatown during the filming of “Fight Song.
Takahata is stoic about his work. He rarely goes out for fun.
Kuroki at the shooting of the drama “Ichikei no Karasu” (The Raven of Ichikei) on April 21, 2009.
  • Reporting and writing Nanako

    Born in Ehime Prefecture. After working at a broadcasting station, became a freelance writer. She specializes in interviews with celebrities and analysis of popular events, and is always on the lookout for serial dramas and popular Japanese movies. She is a well-known beautiful writer in the magazine industry.

  • Photography Takao Kawakami Yusuke Kondo Shinji Sakamoto Yutaka Nonaka Ippei Hara

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