Akashiya Sanma’s Reference to the “GaaSyy Gun” Spurred Comedians to Follow His Lead | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Akashiya Sanma’s Reference to the “GaaSyy Gun” Spurred Comedians to Follow His Lead

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Akashiya Sanma mentions “GaaSyy-ch,” which is shaking the entertainment world. The comedians are “making it into a story,” but…

The atmosphere seems to have changed regarding the “GaaSyy gun” that is shaking the entertainment world.

Mr. Yoshikazu Azumaya, a.k.a. GaaSyy, has emerged like a gleam star in the YouTube industry. He has been creating controversy by exposing the secret faces of celebrities with whom he has interacted closely.

He is a hot topic among the media, and even celebrities are asking, “Have you seen GaaSyy videos? has become the topic. Since Masaru Shirota and Tsuyoshi Ayano were notably a hit, many celebrities are in a state of panic,” said a reporter for a sports newspaper.

However, many are trying to follow Gaassy-Ch’s steps. Akashiya Sanma is an example.

In a late-night broadcast of MBS radio’s “Young Town Saturday” on April 2, he narrated an event in which he received a phone call from a drunken Shun Oguri and Tatsuya Fujiwara. In it, Sanma said:

Oguri and Fujiwara drink when they’re free. They say, “You can come now, can’t you? Please come. Come and see me for the last time.” Followed by laughter “I’m quite in demand!”

Saying it humorously. It seems that he was pestered by the two, but it is also surprising that Sanma mentioned the name “Gaassy-Ch” so openly on a live program. A comedian make a comment about this:

One is that I was involved with a drunken Mr. Oguri and Mr. Fujiwara, so I said, ‘That’s fine’. The other is that they are amused by Gaassy-Ch.

Even though Mr. Oguri and Mr. Fujiwara were also drunk, they mentioned Gaassy-Ch name as a punchline in the conversation. The tension level is lower than before. I think that Mr. Oguri’s intentional mention of Gaassy’s name has made it even more of a story.”

He points out.

Hiroyuki Miyasako, formerly of “Ameagari Kesshitai,” also referred to Mr. Higashitani in a YouTube video released on April 2. In the video, Kim from the comedy duo Onigoe Tomahawk interviews for a part-time job at Miyasako’s yakiniku restaurant, Gyugujou. When the outspoken Kim-chan said that Higashitani mentions Miyasako’s name in his video,

He said, “I’ve had one. I was shaken for a moment. “Oh, that?” but I think I’ll be fine.”

He denied any ugly news.

Takayuki Kinoshita of TKO, who was actually hit by the “GaaSyy gun,” also responded. On the 24th of last month, Higashitani’s video revealed that after the power harassment scandal, he tried to donate 1 million yen to a charity organization and told the recipient of the donation that he wanted them to tell the media that Kinoshita had made the donation.

In response, Kinoshita responded to this by saying, “I’ve been exposed by GaaSyy” right around the time Higashitani’s video was released. The live-streaming titled “I’ve been exposed by Garcy, I’ve been friends with him for over a decade. He was not this kind of person,” he lamented, but was relieved that the content of the video was just a story about being cheap and pathetic.

For Mr. Miyasako and Mr. Kinoshita, it was a story that didn’t hurt or itch. It was more of a story for the video. There is now an unspoken understanding that it is safe to use the GaaSyy gun as long as it is not a criminal story.

Gekidan Hitoshi even offered GaaSyy a chance to appear in the pilot version of his new TV show, “The Forest at Midnight” (NTV), which starts on April 11.

The show basically has no set plan,” he said. You can do whatever you want, right?”

I said, ‘Get me GaaSyy,’ and [the staff] backed off.”
If you call GaaSyy first, he will definitely stand out!”

He stressed that “the only way to make a good impression is to make it a good one. Shingo Murakami, a co-star of “Kanjani Eight,” also spoke up, saying, “Well, it’s a good opportunity for us. It’s a live broadcast.

It would be difficult to invite him to the show because of the sponsors, but it was surprising that Mr. Murakami, who is a member of the Japanese group, agreed to participate. Mr. Azumaya has been making exposure threats to the janitori as well.

He said. There is no doubt that the only thing that has changed is the way GaaSyy is being treated – and that is a good thing.

  • PHOTO Kojiro Yamada

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