Aftermath of Masahiro Nakai’s “BBQ report” and “Deletion of commercials” that befell Tsurube Shofukutei, who “married his first love. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Aftermath of Masahiro Nakai’s “BBQ report” and “Deletion of commercials” that befell Tsurube Shofukutei, who “married his first love.

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Shofukutei Tsurube reportedly attended Masahiro Nakai’s (left) barbecue party.

Sushiro, a major conveyor-belt sushi restaurant, removed the image of Shofukutei Tsurube (73), who is featured in its commercials, from its official website by January 30.

The company said it made the decision based on a comprehensive review of customer feedback.

The company says it made the decision based on the feedback from customers, but the Internet and other media have been asking why the company removed the image.

“He was just attending a BBQ, so why?

Isn’t this too harsh?

The question is growing in popularity on the Internet.

Hiromi, who attended the BBQ with the guests, explained on live TV

According to what Hiromi revealed on NTV’s “DayDay.” on January 28, they were originally supposed to play golf, but Tsurube had a back strain and they suddenly decided to have a barbecue at Masahiro Nakai’s house from noon. In addition to Tsurubei, Nakai, and Hiromi, Fuji Television’s programming executive Mr. A and Ms. Xko, who would later have trouble with Nakai, were also there, he revealed.

Hiromi said that she was making a fire and did not remember Ms. X’s presence clearly, and that she and Tsurube quit the barbecue and went home when it became cold in the evening.

The following month, trouble broke out between Ms. Xko and Nakai.

With this much information, it appears that both Tsurubi and Hiromi had a good time barbecuing and left quietly in the evening. Why did it develop into such an uproar that the commercial was removed?

The Weekly Bunshun reported that Mr. A ordered the women to go to Mr. Tsurube’s side. The women felt that it was like a cabaret and were very uncomfortable. However, there was no mention of any sexual harassment by Mr. Tsurube. If Mr. Tsurube had been in a situation where women were being treated as if they were in a cabaret club, he could have said, “You don’t have to do that,” and refused, but many women’s magazine reporters say that it is indeed harsh to drop a commercial just because of that.

On the other hand, as Tsurube himself often says in interviews, his current wife is his “first love,” and they were married when he was 22 years old. He is a “single-minded man” who knows no one but his wife.

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