Former Mechanic in Luxury Car Causes Fatal Injuries to Mother and Child, Captured in Vivid Scene Photos | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Former Mechanic in Luxury Car Causes Fatal Injuries to Mother and Child, Captured in Vivid Scene Photos

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The scene immediately after the accident. The bent guardrail shows the magnitude of the impact. Many offerings were made in memory of the deceased mother and child.

The defendant, former mechanic Kota Urushihara (51), charged with negligent driving resulting in death for an accident where a mother and child were fatally struck while walking on a sidewalk, expressed apologies to the bereaved family in court, “Due to my negligence, I have taken away the future of two people. I am deeply sorry.”

The initial trial took place at the Tokyo District Court on June 27. Urushihara, clad in a black suit, remained bowed throughout the proceedings.

“The accident occurred last December. A 43-year-old mother and her 6-year-old daughter were the victims,” the prosecution stated. Urushihara acknowledged the charges, stating, “I mistook the accelerator and brake pedals,” as the cause of the accident. Through their lawyer, the husband of the deceased mother and father of the daughter expressed, “We want him to face the consequences and make proper amends.”

The prosecution sought a five-year prison sentence, emphasizing the profound loss and despair felt by the family, advocating for thorough correctional education through actual imprisonment. Meanwhile, the defense argued that Urushihara deeply reflects on the accident and requested a suspended sentence with probation.

“FRIDAY Digital” documented vivid scenes from the immediate aftermath of the accident and the defendant’s transfer. Reflecting on this tragic incident where the lives of a mother and child were lost is a poignant reminder.

The husband and daughter witnessed it firsthand.


The accident occurred around 5 pm on December 26 last year at an auto repair shop in Higashi-Koiwa, Suginami Ward, Tokyo. Illustrator A-san, who lived nearby, and her 1st grade daughter B-san were hit and killed by a British luxury car, a Jaguar, backing out of the shop.

“The defendant, Kota Urushihara, was driving the Jaguar. The car had been brought in for inspection by a customer to the shop. There were no brake marks at the scene, and police investigations at the time indicated a sudden acceleration at a speed of 25-30 km/h.

The car struck A-san and B-san, crossed an 11-meter wide road with two lanes, collided with an opposing guardrail, and ended up on the sidewalk. Urushihara was arrested on the spot by police officers from the Takaido Police Station,” said a national newspaper social affairs reporter.

When firefighters arrived after receiving the report, they found A-san under the car and B-san lying near the center of the road. Both had suffered severe head and abdominal injuries, and were pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of death was multiple trauma for A-san and head injuries for B-san.

“A-san and B-san were apparently on their way home. A few meters behind them, A-san’s husband and another daughter witnessed the accident. The rear of the car was severely damaged, indicating the intensity of the impact,” the same source added.

When our magazine photographer captured Urushihara shortly after his arrest, he appeared calm as he was transferred from the Takaido Police Station. The accident scene was vivid, with the guardrail severely bent from the collision. Many flowers, juices, and offerings were placed in memory of the deceased mother and daughter.

The verdict is scheduled to be delivered on July 19.


Defendant Urushihara immediately after his arrest
Defendant Urushihara appeared nonchalant (some photos have been edited)
Photo of the scene immediately after the accident (some photos have been edited)
Photo of the scene immediately after the accident. People were constantly clasping their hands together (photo has been partially edited).
Photo of the scene immediately after the accident. The guardrail is heavily deformed.
A lot of juice and flowers were offered after the accident.
  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo

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