Johnny’s Fans Uncovered Among TV Station Staff After Mishap on Mezamashi TV, Sparking Widespread Attention | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Johnny’s Fans Uncovered Among TV Station Staff After Mishap on Mezamashi TV, Sparking Widespread Attention

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Snow Man” is one of the most popular of the old Johnny’s. Tatsuya Fukasawa, aka “Fukasan,” is on the right in the foreground. Tatsuya Fukasawa, aka “Fukasan,” is on the right in the foreground.

Good morning, Fukasan! You’re so cute waving at me like you’ve never changed.

This was posted on May 9 by the official X of the morning information program “Mezamashi TV” (Fuji Television Network).

It seems to be his impression of Tatsuya Fukasawa of “Snow Man” who appeared on the station’s “Nonstop” program. The “friendly” tone of the post, which did not seem to be an official comment, was followed at around 18:00 on the same day by the following comment.

The program staff mistakenly posted a personal message on the official X page today. We apologize very much.

and apologized for the “misdirection” by the Mezamashi staff.

However, this was not the only misfire.

I came back just in time for the #Non-Stop Shigo-Ohwa bombing.

The message “I came back in time for #Non-Stop Shigo-Ohwa bombing” was also posted on the post.

It may be that he dashed home after Mezamashi went on the air and made it in time for Fukasawa’s appearance on “Nonstop.

There are a lot of so-called “jani-otaku,” or “jani-wotaku” staff members of the old Johnny’s at TV stations. They are not working from a production or creative point of view, but for the simple reason that they can meet their favorite Johnny’s celebrities at the TV station.

Surprisingly, many of the staff who manage social networking services such as X are younger than the veterans, and as long as they know their IDs and passwords, they can use their own smartphones to switch between accounts, making it easy for this kind of mishap to occur.

The personal account operated by the “Mezamashi” staffer was quickly identified by another fan because of the similarity in wording and text. Unfortunately, the entire account was deleted after the identification.

In 2005, a person who appeared to be an art staff member of the station’s “VS Arashi” caused a stir when he uploaded an audio recording of a conversation with Kazuya Ninomiya on the back account of Twitter. This person frequently posted behind-the-scenes images and videos.

Some TV stations require their employees to sign a written pledge not to post on social networking sites any content obtained in the course of their work.

It is outrageous to upload images and sounds on social networking sites,” said another TV station official.

However, “jani-otaku” staff members sometimes follow interviews they are not assigned to and take pictures of the interviewer. They also asked the entertainment desk and reporters to get tickets to the group they were interested in.

Nevertheless, the TV station had a compelling reason for relying on these staff members.

TV stations are chronically short of staff, so even with such impure motives, they are able to save in terms of manpower. A decade ago, all-nighters and power harassment were commonplace, but recently compliance has become stricter, and the working environment for ADs and other staff has improved dramatically. So, although it may not be obvious on the surface, I believe that more and more people, not only former Johnny’s, are entering the industry simply because they want to meet their “guesses.

I think that “guess activity” should be done in moderation so as not to cause trouble for others. ……

  • PHOTO Takero Shigumura

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